I reached 1.000.000 views for one place on Google map

I reached 1.000.000 views for one place on Google map. I am very happy for this achievement and I look forward to a lot of badges .please support me with your likes and comments.


Hi @ahmad_megahid ,

Congratulations on your first indivdual image to be viewed 1 million times. I personally remember the anticipation of being stuck on 990,000 total views for all of my photographs. It seemed to take forever to roll past a millon. Now I am heading towards 150 million.

I took a quick look at your Local Guide profile and need to make you aware of the risk you are currently taking by effectively chasing numbers.

The first listing has 10 images of a hotel which are all effectively the same image. When I scrolled down, I could see this pattern repeated.

My advice to you would be to go back through your photos and remove all 'duplicates. If your whole account is like this it may result in you dropping down a level or even 2 after correcting this issue. Of course better for this than to have your account blocked completely. A clue is in the fact that you appear to have uploaded 5,222 images but only 4,343 are publically visiible.

Your account level and submitted images count looks similar to mine, however my view count is nearly 6 times yours. This would be explained if the repetition that is immediately visible is repeated throughout your account. @MortenCopenhagen can empathise to how painful it is to have your account blocked and then to work to get it re-instated - of course he fixed things and has more than 500 million views and is a Google Maps moderator. He has a great deal of experience in guiding Local Guides to be self-aware and using reflection on the quality of your submssions.

Looking at the Top100 Local Guides tabes produced by @AdamGT there are images that have individual views of over 1 billion! There is always a degree of luck in getting those types of figures - location, popularity of the point of interest (POI), population who are likely to need information related to the POI.

Another tip is to start focusing on video content as this is currently the new focus for Google Maps.

Please act on my advice to avoid the crash ans burn of failing to follow the guidelines. But of course congratulations on your milestone.

Kind regards,



Congratulations @ahmad_megahid . Reaching 1.000.000 views for one place on Google map is an amazing achievement and I can see that you are very proud of this.

However, I strongly recommend that you should act on the advice of @nigelfreeney and by adopting best practices you can improve a lot and be very proud to be part of this amazing community.


@nigelfreeney Thank you for your valuable advice, I am currently working on resolving the problem


good job, keep contributing @ahmad_megahid

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Awesome achievement @ahmad_megahid .

Adding a place and that place have been seen more than a million times. It is mean that you already helping others to know better about the place.

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.

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