I mainly introduce the best aspects of JAPAN

I love Google Maps, and I mainly post many photos and reviews showcasing the best aspects of Japan. However, recently, the number of views for my photos is not being displayed accurately in my app. Previously, the number of views would appear immediately after posting, but now there are more instances where it still shows “0 views” even after over a month has passed. It seems like the views are being tracked internally, but… it makes me very sad. If anyone knows a way to resolve this issue, please let me know.

Even so, I won’t give up and will continue posting to share the beauty of JAPAN with others!


Hello @efgshota
the way the views are counted and published changed drastically on February 7, 2024. Since that day, I never saw the 10 to 15 views appearing within seconds after uploading. Starting in February, we had an extremely long discussion thread on that, as well as this one.
Meanwhile myself and several others believe, the “new normal” is:

  • Less numbers are counted. Some users who tracked the total views recognized 50% less than before
  • The views for individual photos change only, if the delta is more than 1% of the previous count
  • The view count for many photos never change (if posted before 02/2024) or don’t display any views. This applies to 30% of my photos.
  • Some users reported videos are showing more views than photos. I cannot comment on that, since I don’t post any videos.
  • Until now, I am not aware of any explanation by Google

Hope this explains the situation


@efgshota @WilfriedB
Es ist tatsächlich sehr unterschiedlich mit der Darstellung der Aufrufe.
Manche Bilder und Videos haben binnen kurzer Zeit schöne Anzahlen und bei anderen dauert es teilweise länger als 1 Monat.
Ich nehme es halt so wie es kommt, ändern kann man es sowieso nicht :wink: