I made Eggplant pizza Bites

‪Since I’m mostly eating low carb & ketoish meals, today I made Eggplant Pizza Bites, which is a low carb & vegetarian dish that actually turned out to be really good. In my version tho I used olives & chunky tomato sauce. I added chili flakes too.

Also this was my first baking attempt turned out great. Cooking is proving to be a good therapy, the only thing I lack at times are the ingredients and time since I work full-time take out time for cooking can be tough though I make my own food daily and trust me, it is quite a difficult task to do all on your own every day but I love it. :heart: :shallow_pan_of_food:


Hi @mariazaib

Wow that really does look delicious. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve never been a huge fan of egg plant, but that looks really amazing I must say and not too hard to make either.

Where did you come up with this recipe? I’m really curious to try it out sometimes. What kind of cheese do you put on top? I wonder if it’ll work with mozzarella?

Wow! I never see those foods! But looks so yummy and delicious :star_struck::star_struck: :hugs: :innocent:

Thanks @mariazaib for sharing to us!


That’s unique…very yummy and delicious pizza. Very tempting. Could you share the recipe? Thanks for sharing the photos with us @mariazaib :blush:


@mariazaib @Woww it looks so great! I love eggplant :eggplant: and pizza :pizza: so I definitely will try!


Delicious and healthy! Great idea @mariazaib , thanks for sharing it here with us.

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Eggplant pizza bites are not just ingenious and original but also I am stunned…! @mariazaib

What an amazing dish :blush:

I am sure you would be equally delighted by the innovative Sorghum Bread Pizza by our fellow local guide @Rohan10

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these are eggplant pizza bites that kinda turned into pizza type dish. I don’t eat bread, I’ve lost 3.6 kg in less then a month. I am not strictly following it but not good in measurements & ratios when cooking food. So I cook what I have in fridge. I have from my diet mostly cut out most of sugar, bread, high carb & all meat from my diet.

Ya it’s so healthy

It’s so easy you must try to cook this tasty and healthy pizza

Its so easy you can cook easily , I watched different recipes on YouTube and mix them changed some ingredients because I don’t have some; like I used black olives instead of white one I used Eggplant instead of chicken This is the result, really yummy. Next time I will do some new experiment of my kitchen @DanniS

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It’s was my experiment of my kitchen for my diet I add this ingredients

I watched different recipes on YouTube and mix them changed some ingredients This is the result, really yummy and healthy. Next time I will not over load it with Eggplant and cheese :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: