I love sharing on Local Guides

One of the common themes of my excursions is to visit uncommon places. Natural delights, secluded paradise. This is exactly where I find Local Guides helpful for myself and also to help others. I understand that it’s a bit ironical where I share places which are secluded and make them available to others but then I trust the new generation to respect the pristine character of those places.

I also like to share information about local businesses, whether its local produce, local coffee or handicrafts. I believe in this cut throat competitive world where corporate gets more than fair share of the business, local businesses need a helping hand and Local Guides from Google is a good platform to reach out to millions of travelers and potential consumers.

In turn Local businesses acknowledge the feedback and my sharing information by thanking for my contribution.

The best part of Local Guides platform is that you can share information in many forms i.e. through pictures, sharing maps, rating, verbose descriptions and question/answers. This provides uniqueness to the platform backed by the most used application for navigation - Google Maps.