I love discovering new places for you

Hello Google!

I started doing photography as a hobby more that 15 years ago at my university. My teachers supported me in this endeavor because they could see a great potential. Now, thanks to you and your app, I have an ability to show new places from around the world to anyone who has access to the web. This could be a tire service on an unknown road which would save you in trouble. This might also be a nice case which would be hard to find without my photos. I am also quite happy with the scale - some of my photos were viewed by more than 600,000 people. I even found a photograph from a concert where more than 620k attended. How many people is that!? It turned out to be the Summer Jam at Watkins Glen festival in New York in 1973. Magnificent indeed.
The only thing I regret is that I managed to visit more than 30 countries before the local expert service appeared. Just imagine how much useful tips I could have given to people!