I like to write reviews and put photos up in google maps!! #localguidesconnect

I always had lived in Lima, Peru and i like my country. i know its diferent places like the coast, highland and jungle. Before when i visited a place it was dificult found come there, now with the technology we can possible that a lot people can see and found any place.

For that reason i want to be part of this evolution helping more people to find what they are looking for (places, the best food, the best discounts, beautiful landscapes, romantic places, anything)

When a put a review in google maps, i like to write a lot of details as possible how costs, the best attractive of the place, perfect time to visit this place, if this place has parking car, about schedule of attention, how to get to the place and other details.

I have the luck of participate in #localguidesconnect event in San Jose, California. See you there good luck…


That’s very creative thing, and best of luck for your applied for Connect live 2019

Thanks you my friend, good luck for you too.