I like helping people


I am Krisztina from Miskolc, Hungary.

Once I found on Google Maps that I can write a review of almost anything and help others to find a place or tell them the right opening and closing time. I was really happy with it, because I think it is a very important and useful thing. When I found something wrong on Maps, I corrected immediately. I hope my “work” was really helpful to many people :slight_smile: I will continue it with photos and correcting pins, etc.

What I like to share/correct is:

  • when I meet a new place, eg. a hotel for wellness

  • business I know but the Maps took me to the wrong place

  • my opinions about shops, stores, places

Happy destination find everybody! :slight_smile:



The strenght is to rise and make awareness small and new shops what cannot afford marketing. I moved to Miskolc too.