myself Asif Khan and I am registered member of Google maps my problem is there I can’t receive my mp reward yet kindly send my m pin reward as soon as possible blow is maintain details and also see the attach photo blo is details
Thank you for reaching out. If it has been longer than 6 weeks since you ordered your reward, please go to the FAQ page on the redemption website, enter your unique code into the “What can I do about a missing or damaged item” section, and submit. Our shipping team will look into the issue and get back to you.
Please note that I moved your post to the How-tos board. Here, you can ask questions and swap advice about the Local Guides program and Connect.
You might not know but we do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety. That is why your personal information was removed from the post. Please take a moment to review our Community Policy.
It’s 3 massage for you sir , why you respond my mail i am already manten that I can’t receive my reward yet kindly send my reward as soon as possible
It’s 3 massage for you sir , why you respond my mail i am already manten that I can’t receive my reward yet kindly send my reward as soon as possible
Please note that I redacted the screenshot from your post as it was showing your address. We take privacy seriously and encourage Local Guides to not share their personal information publicly.
I also merged your post to your other one about your reward. As @InaS has already said, delivery can take up to 6 weeks. If your reward still hasn’t arrived after 6 week, please go to the FAQ page on the redemption website, enter your unique code into the “What can I do about a missing or damaged item” section, and submit. Our shipping team will look into the issue and get back to you. Thank you.