About six months ago I had a lot of likes on my pictures. Now there are none. Is there anyone more than me who has been affected in the same way?
We had a long time issue about likes on picture, that disappeared from the app Months ago, after an update in Maps.
Apparently the likes are slowly coming back, and I have noticed the return of the first three just yesterday, related to the most recent photos only.
My feeling is the we will have to wait a few more day, for the likes to be restored
Hi @I-am-Q
I also had some like received in the photos, about thirty I think. Very hard I managed to get likes.
I added pictures from historical places, and I was glad when I noticed that some people are interested in something else.
To visit those places I traveled hundreds or thousands of kilometers in total, I added the pictures on the map for people to notice that someone was there.
Explanations I found in the forum about the disappearance of likes, I was not satisfied with any.
I assure you, I haven’t got old likes back yet. Now I have only three likes obtained from new photos added
The number of views of the photos is not significant to me, because I consider it artificially improved.
Hahahaha @To_paul " artificially improved".
@Austinelewex you don’t believe in the truth?
@To_paul Same here, I also have all my photos likes disappear. So I completely believe the truth.
I thought only I was robbed of likes, I pity you. @Austinelewex
So it was a theft of likes worldwide.
Do you suspect anyone?
Does cybersecurity sleep?
@To_paul I guess Google maps team makes changes without notifying us Local Guides.
Do you think we deserve to be notified in advance of any of their actions? @Austinelewex
I research daily to see what my contribution is erased and who insults me, and what stupidity has been added to the maps in my area.
I report to google and spend months without receiving an answer. it would be normal in 30 days to receive an answer.
I added a site to a location in February, the last days I received an email that was approved.
I think top Local Guides like us should be notified. @To_paul But still, that remains the discretion of Google maps team.
If Google sends a notification to a user, it must send it to everyone, all users are volunteers and should be treated equally. @Austinelewex
But I saw the term Top Local Guides appeared
Currently the top is only applicable in Bangkok, Delhi, London, Mexico City, New York, Osaka, San Francisco, SĂŁo Paulo, and Tokyo.
@To_paul I guess the term “Active Local Guides”, explains better.
I found a new term ,From October 16-18, 2018, we hosted our third flagship global event. 151 of our most active and passionate,
have you seen the movie 300? @Austinelewex
Yes @To_paul if it is 300… Spartans… I have seen the movie.
Do you know why the Spartans disappeared? @Austinelewex
I think @To_paul because of how they train their kids… in the hard way.
@To_paul Spartans train their kids to be warriors without love and compassion. Anyone who is weak is killed. Not like the Greeks though.
@Austinelewex Their system was thought wrong from the moment of its establishment, the inheritance of the family, the lands and the buildings are divided equally, to girls and boys. The boys left the army but they had to support their family
With the passage of time the lands were divided to the descendants, thus the wealth diminished and the citizens with full rights could neither finance the family nor the army. They collapsed on their own
@Austinelewex not interested in wealth, the Spartan had to be as poor as possible
@To_paul thanks for the clarification my friend Paul