I got a new badge on Local Guides Connect

I am really happy that I have read community members post and completed 1000 likes.

I got another new badge called “Great Friend” for giving 1000 likes.

This now adds a total of 7 badges to my achievements.

I want to earn more badges. I am very happy to achieve this badge.


Congratulation @Md_Zobayerul_Islam
You are a Supportive Local Guides, this Great Friend badge prove that you are a;ready give more than a thousands likes to fellow Local Guides who write great post or comment .

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.


Thank you very much @BudiFXW


You are welcome @Md_Zobayerul_Islam .

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


@Md_Zobayerul_Islam Hello 'Great Friend", Congratulations! Wishing you all the best!

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Thanks for the encouraging comment @PrasadVR

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Wow, wonderful achivement @Md_Zobayerul_Islam

Well done, keep it up :+1:

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Thank you so much @Tandrima2

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