Alhamdulillah …I earned 10 th badge : TRUE FRIEND
I hope I can earned my 11 th badge as soon as.
Gaspoll mad @Wisnusetiono udah dapat badge 2 digit nih
Hello @Wisnusetiono ,
Congrats for your achievement, please note that I relabeled your post to Acheviements, where you can celebrate your accomplishments with the community.
Also, please check out How to choose a topic for your Connect post article before your next contribution to make sure that you’re posting under a relevant topic section.
Terima kasih mbak @Nyainurjanah
thank you @VasT
thank you @SonjaPerera
@Wisnusetiono Thank you for having recognized the publications of the other local guides 5,000 times, congratulations!
thank you @Robert24 , you are one of my best friends
thank you @xamanstar
thank you @SilvyC
Congrats :))
you are welcome @user_not_found
, you are one of my best friend
@Wisnusetiono Congratulation
thank you @kasarefin
@Wisnusetiono you most welcome
@kasarefin thank you
Thank you very much @xamanstar
Good job indeed, congratulation for the new badge @Wisnusetiono