What is facts check??? Please help me… I don’t have any ideas… And this badge not solved… Please give me information for the topic fact check…
@Prasanta45 Fact checking is a way for Local Guides to validate information by answering questions regarding the existing information. We used to be able to have unlimited fact checking, but the system has been changed recently, making it harder to get this badge. It’s still possible, but just takes longer. Please take a look at the following post for more info:
Quoting from the article for transparency purpose
“You might have noticed that the entry point for the “Check the Facts” feature has been moved. Now you can get to it by tapping on Contribute > More ways to contribute > Check the Facts (in the carousel at the top).”
Hope that clears your question!
Hi @Prasanta45
In addition to @iyudhi excellent answer, I think you get more facts to check if you have your timeline turned on. Then Google Maps will know where you have been and will ask you questions about those places.
Yes sir but i chick here don’t show any fact check…
@Prasanta45 that probably means that currently there are no fact checks available for you.
Just want to make sure that we’re looking at the same thing, are you able to get to the page that looks like the image below? Location will be different obviously, but the rest should look the same.
Hi @Prasanta45 - The screen shows that ‘You’re all caught up’. That means that currently there aren’t any locations for you to fact check. The system has been changed now that we have limited amount of fact checking that we can do.
All you need to do now is wait and check from time to time if you’ll get more locations to fact check in the future.