I do not want people use my Lists on Google Maps... Why?

It will be a little sad story but nevertheless…

When I received the invitation to the event I understood how powerful is the opinion of people on Google maps, and how powerful the community is. And actually it was a pleasant understanding.

But at the same time I received awful news - my mother has cancer. And it was a real disaster at that moment, when you hear it it seems that it is the end … the end of everything. But then we tried to cope up with it. And it was very difficult to find the needed hospital and doctors, who can help us, but we managed to do it. We are sstruggeling with the illness and I hope that everything will be fine, but…

What I wanna say… Well, the lists of best palces to visit in the town are ok, the list of best palces to eat ice cream are also ok and so on. But life is not just about entertainment and getting pleasure. There are problems in life and… I think that the lists of hospitals for example or the list of social services or other places that you need, when you face some difficulties in life are also ok and I think such lists will be also highly appreciated by others. Yes, I am going to create lists of places, where you can get help conquering with cancer,but… on one hand I really hope that people will have no need in using them, on the other hand I understand that people need these lists…

So… I think local guides / experts should create lists not only for entertainment, but also to get help in need, when you face problems. Such lists are needed, a lot.


@Kateryna_GLEB I may be miles away but I empathize with your mum’s situation and I hope and pray all goes well. I support your idea and thanks for being courageous enough to share this post. I celebrate you!

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@Kateryna_GLEB I hope all the best for your mum and support you in this moment. Your idea is legit. While searching for hospital and looking at the reviews may be an useful help, if you need more specific information, only a well prepared list is able to do it. The only problem is that only people who are facing these issues are able to effectively experience the hospitals and so to make accurate lists with information they gather from their experience (all the non personal information can be looked just by a search on Google Maps). At the practice, everyone enters an ice cream shop, while you would never hope someone to enter a hospital, especially for a cancer: this results in a particular trend in making lists. I think people having friends or parents in hospital should take their part in making accurate lists based also on their experiences. But in order for this to happen, this Google Maps feature has to be highly promoted among people: it is sad to say, but I think most people you may encounter in the hospital, maybe don’t even know what are Google Maps lists, some old people maybe don’t even use Google Maps or a smartphone at all. It is a long road which starts from reducing the digital divide. In the meantime, promoting the use of lists and encouraging people who are in the unpleasant situation of dealing with health issues, to contribute to Google Maps lists, is surely the best thing to do.

Good luck for everything

That’s sad but true @Kateryna_GLEB

While I hope the life will smile to your mom, I prepared a list of accessible parks, dreaming that my mother will be able to visit them.

We can help others in many different ways, with fun of course, but also with essential information.

Be strong

Mesmo que eu tente imaginar, não conseguirei saber jamais, o que você está sentindo. Grandes mestres do passado, filósofos, estudiosos, religiosos, dentre todas as coisas que nos deixaram, esta, no meu entendimento é uma das mais valiosas, “a verdade liberta”…

Assim como um dia chegamos, também chegará o dia de partirmos, todos nós, (está é uma verdade).

Não morremos porque estamos doentes, morremos porque estamos vivos. (esta é outra verdade) entendes.

Conte com minha colaboração se precisares.

@Kateryna_GLEB that was so thoughtful of you finding a solution for others from your sorrow. Hats off to you :clap::clap:

@Kateryna_GLEB that was so thoughtful of you finding a solution for others from your sorrow. Hats off to you :clap::clap:

Sorry to hear that. I wish her quick recovery. It make sense when you wrote about category of post that is usually neglected. Post about list of hospitals, pharmacies, job centers and unsafe places would also be commendable. I hope Google moderators could post a challenge about these.

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Best wishes to your mother and family @Kateryna_GLEB

I like your idea for Maps Lists but how will someone find them as it’s crazy, public List are not public!

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