I started my journey as a local guide in 2016. It was intriguing how I could help people and uncover places in my community by contributing to the map. The idea of contributing to google map is a big thing for me. Posting pictures of places on the map, writing reviews, answering questions, adding missing places, adding or confirming phone numbers and websites are all exciting to do.
The most interesting for me is adding missing places on the map. Doing this makes me fulfilled and I take pride knowing I created a place published on the map. Adding places on the map goes beyond the title, it is an avenue of helping businesses flourish by making them more visible and linking them to their potential customers.
I believe every place is worth being visible as long as it exists, it is only but right to add missing places to the map to make it accurate. Each time I am at a certain place and notice it is not on the map, I am always thrilled to be the creator. Place creation makes me feel like a superhero as I promote people’s business, make places visible on the map as well as aid accessibility to those places.
Finest Couture Boutique: In 2017, I met a lady who complained about the low sales she experienced in her business and wanted to close down the business. I added her shop on the map and posted pictures of it. Today her business has had over 5000 views on one of the pictures on the map. I am glad to say she is still in business today.
Niger Excellence Hotel: While at a hotel bar with friends, I realized the hotel wasn’t on the map, I quickly added it including some picture and their phone number. I am happy to say that this hotel has had over 5000 views. Interestingly, it has quite an engagement now as other local guide make reviews about it and even answer questions about the hotel.
Ruby Land Academy: Last year a new school opened in my area, I am glad I created the school on the map. The school is well functioning now with pupils.
Place creation is more than just fun or for the title, it is a privilege to be part of history in years to come.