I chant the natural beauty of Briksdal Glacier in Norway

The Briksdal Glacier, its huge, clean, and uncrowded visitors’ atmosphere gave me a very quiet and brief time with the glacier, which is deeply branded in our memory. I am really glad that I had the opportunity to come here in my life.

From the glacier position board, we can understand

that Briksdal Glacier is shrinking every year because of global warming.

From the entrance to a spot close to the Briksdal Glacier tongue I took the Troll-car, and then off the car, I walked about 15 mins to the very nearest of Glacier tongue. At the entrance the mountain cars were the horse carriages before, but now are comprehensively using Troll-cars instead.

From the information, Briksdal Glacier is the famous “arm” of Jostedalsbreen Glacier, the largest glacier in Continental Europe. Jostedalsbreen glacier covers an area of over 480 square kilometers and is about 60 Kilometers long. Briksdal is located in Jostedalsbreen National Park, about an hour’s drive from Stryn.

I arrived there in September, and in my memory the temperature was about 10-13 Celsius degree, chilling me up indeed who came from subtropical country.

To me, it is absolutely one brand-new experience to touch the frozen nature which is probably with over 15,000 years in history so closely. Breathtaking is the word with which I can come up.


It is realy beautiful place @porkgoldzhuzhu .

Unbeliveble beauty!

It is a pity,that we can lost the beauty of Glacier from the Global Warming.

Thank you for sharing this post and photos.

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@porkgoldzhuzhu Wow, the glacier looks amazing. It’s really nice to experience it once in a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with us.

Yes @helga19 the nature beauty that we are not able to save it is quite some sad, anyway, we can only praise it and keep it in our memory…thanks for browsing…


Yes @Ant_Bad_Yogi the beauty of nature always arouses my respect of the earth…thanks for browsing…


Que hermosa aventura me encanto :+1: :+1: