I can't unrestricted my own profile even though my age is above 18

  1. Problems
  • The follower button is not showing in my profile

  • My review doesn’t appear properly in public even my age is above 18 years old

  • I can’t see the count viewer in my review and other people can’t see you review except the owner of the business

  • I’m a member in Google family
    What I’ve tried

  • Compare the settings in difference account and found that my account have not have “Restricted profile” in Profile privacy settings it located in Personal content @Ivi_Ge

Here’s my profile https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115657924319936391512?g_ep=CAISDTYuMTAxLjMuNDE1NjAYACCBvQQqLSw0NzA3MTcwNCw0NzA2OTUwOCw0NzA4NDMwNCw5NDIwODQ1OCw5NDIwNjYwNUICSlA%3D&g_st=ic

Hi @PangThunyalak

Welcome to connect.

I see that your first review was added only 1 day ago. This explains most of the symptoms you described.

Please wait 1 to 2 weeks for the statistics to get updated.

Regarding photo views there is likely an even longer delay.

But don’t worry. If your contributions are good you will most likely also get a follow button.

I don’t know if family account can be an issue. It might explain why your settings look different from mine.



Hi @PangThunyalak please don’t tag multiple Googlers or moderators in a post. Only if you have something very urgent or are replying to an existing post should you tag someone like I have here.

There are millions of Local Guides, imagine what would happen if every one of them tagged five people today.
