Recently a park/square was revitalized near my home. I couldn’t wait to visit it and take some pictures of it.
After reaching home I noticed that I can’t review this park. I can’t even upload photos on it. Does anyone have an idea of what’s going on?
In the image below you can see two parks. One has the tree symbol and I’ve already uploaded photos and reviews. The other one “Praça Portugal” is an old park but now is revitalized. But I don’t see the option to review it. I tried some editions but it didn’t change at all.
The next image shows what happens when you search for this place. Is there anything that I should do? I don’t want to create a new place because it already exists, and if I do it I’ll have to merge them later.
I hope you can help. I need to show the world how beautiful this park is now
I was able to add a review. Also, photos could be added.
I did a text search and then it was possible to add a review and photos.
In my experience we sometimes click on a place on the map and then we the can not add reviews and photos or suggest edits. But if we make a text search and open the place from a list of search results it makes it possible.
Please test and confirm that I got the right park. And test if this trick also makes it possible for you. I will delete the review soon.
A square, like a road, or a roundabout, is part of the map layer, and it is not possible to add photos or review.
The link you shared is in fact a location (an address) and you can’t contribute in there.
BTW, many times a point of interest is added, many times with the same name, to define a Point of interest. This is the case of the link shared by @MortenCopenhagen .
If you check carefully, you will see that your link (the location) don’t have any category, while the one shared by Morten is categorised as a park.
As correctly already said, sometimes it is not possible to see the pin in the Map, but searching for the name, or for the category (park) the place will appear.
Searching for a place it is always the best option, when you are using Google Maps, and will also avoid to add a duplicate.
I’m happy that, with the help of Morten, you are now able to add your photos
Both of you are awesome @MortenCopenhagen
And yes, the blue tracks are concrete. They are used to pedestrians, in this park all the lanes are blue and I believe concrete was chosen to be better for impact and maintenance. Some parks in Sao Paulo use red lanes to indicate bike lanes, but I don’t know if it’s a “rule”.
@TusharSuradkar Can you explain to me how to do it? It’s my first time using the solution option.
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