Por favor apoyemos de manera no violenta pero sin quedarnos callados
Buenos dias a todos! Propongo desde una manera muy pasiva unirnos a la causa contra el racismo… No puedo evitar que mi corazón
se arrugue de tristeza
publiquemos en nuestros estados una imagen la quw ustedes prefieran con el lema
I can't breathe
Gracias por tu apoyo
Excelente idea @Nacira
Gracias mi amigo carlos
Buen dia a todos! Y sigo con mi campaña en apoyo a la no discriminación de forma no violenta pero que se escuche! … POR QUE TODAS LAS VIDAS SON IMPORTANTES!
Good morning everyone! And i continue with my campaign in support of non-discrimination in a non-violent way but let it be heart!.. BECAUSE All LIVES MATTERS
Hello @Nacira this section of the Connect Is For Idea Exchange; please you may have to remove your post here or an admin will do that to keep connect sanitised. Check HERE for guidelines on how to use the connect.
Nice initiative but maybe if it’s tailored in a way whereby Google map can show their support the will be much better than just saying it like this since thats the main focus of the platform
Hi @Nacira ,
Please be informed that I will merge your other two posts to this one, because they are similar. I will also relabel them to “Local Stories”.
Oki thanks you for your help