I can't believe I've reached ten million!

Oh my goodness! I can’t believe I’ve finally reached 10 million! It’s unreal! Thank you everyone! It’s been so much fun, I can’t wait to explore the world more!


Well done @RareEmma . As Local Guides we are both excited and proud when we see that our contributions about a business, place, a meal or whatever, are being viewed and helpful to someone. Every view counts even in the smallest way so a BIG congratulations on your fantastic first 10 MILLION!!!


Wow that’s amazing @RareEmma

Keep going

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That’s a big number. Congratulations @RareEmma For achieving this milestone.

Congratulations !!! @RareEmma Well done. Keep guiding.

Congratulations @RareEmma means you were truly impactful with a lot of meaningful contributions.

Conguralations :smiling_face: :ok_hand:t2: @RareEmma

Congratulations @RareEmma for 10M view .

I am on 9.1M view will chase u soon :smirk:

CONGRATULATIONS :confetti_ball: :clap: ON HITTING 10 MILLION VEIWS :clap: . IT IS A GREAT Achievement and a lot of dedication Keep it up and now you have to shoot for 20 million.

You can do it no doubt you made it to 10 mill you can double it to 20 million.

sound great… congrat…

Congratulations @RareEmma a huge milestone

Congratulations on a new achievement! proud of you.