I can still publish photo paths.

I asked this previously but didn’t get a clear answer.

Basically, the street view app is gone and it clearly says that photo paths are deprecated permanently. However, I am able to create a photo path, get it published and I can see it on Google maps. Is this a bug or something? I shouldn’t be able to publish photo paths but I still can.



Kindly share the Maps link to a recently added photo path.

And explain the steps you used to add it. What version of the Streetview are you using.?

All the best


مرحبا بك @LocalStar

مرحبا @MortenCopenhagen

تم وقف تطبيق ( التجوال الافتراضي)

ولكن مازال بالإمكان نشر صور 360

وسلسلة مسارات الطرق علي ان يتم التقاطها عن طريق الكاميرا المتوافقة الخاصة بك او عن طريق اي تطبيق اخر ( هذا متاح )

اتمني ان يكون مرادي واضحا ، لان الترجمة لا تعمل بشكل جيد ، احيانا لا افهم المطلوب بشكل جيد ، ولا استطيع توصيل المعلومة بشكل واضح



This photo path was one I published on the 8th April 2023 so it was after when photo paths were announced as being unable to be used.

Street view version I checked in settings. It says version


Olá, @LocalStar

“However, I am able to create a photo path, get it published and I can see it on Google maps. Is this a bug or something?”

É o chamado “desligamento tardio”.No Google existe o "desligamento anunciado" e o “desligamento de fato” de um produto e/ou serviço.

Isso é muito comum no Google, ou seja, um produto funcionar por certo tempo enquanto é “desmantelado”.

Sim, o aplicativo Street View apesar de todos os avisos, na prática ainda está funcionando. O envio de passeios está funcionando. Após enviar seu “passeio” ele estará disponível para consulta na tela do Street View Studio. Dá uma conferida. A câmera photosphere também está funcionando.

Veja esses exemplos:

O Google tinha um aplicativo chamado My Tracks. Oficialmente o Google encerrou o aplicativo em em 2016, mas o aplicativo funcionou parcialmente até 2018. O aplicativo ainda está na loja Google Play, ainda que não possa ser instalado. (alguém esqueceu o aplicativo na loja).

Outro aplicativo que funcionou por mais de um ano após o anúncio do encerramento foi o Google Trips


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think @LocalStar is asking why it is still possible to add a photo path which is a series of 180 images and not 360 images.

You are correct that 360 images csn still be added to Google Maps, but the ability to add 360 images anywhere is gone. This has upset quite a few 360 photographers.



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Hi again @LocalStar

I think @gmapas gave you a brilliant answer.

I can not open the link you shared on my Android phone.

I wanted to check the app version and realized that I deleted the app. And now it is no longer available for download. So adding photo paths is effectively blocked for many/most users. Enjoy uploading paths as long as you can. The visibility for others on Google Maps might also decrease or terminate one day.



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Oi, @MortenCopenhagen

Obrigado por me mencionar.

Qual dos três links compartilhados você não conseguiu acessar?

Eu ainda tenho o aplicativo Street View instalado. Até esse momento que escrevo está com parte das funções operacionais: enviar passeios e a câmera photosphere.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:


It is this link


I get this error message:



Oi, @MortenCopenhagen

Obrigado pelo retorno!

Achei que era algum link compartilhado por mim.

Eu também não consegui acessar o link indicado pelo @LocalStar .

O “passeio” de Street View só fica disponível publicamente depois de processado pelo Google. Para ver o status o @LocalStar deve ir no Studio Street View e ver a situação do trabalho enviado. Trabalhos com status “processing” não é possível visualizar.


Gil :slightly_smiling_face:

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@MortenCopenhagen https://maps.app.goo.gl/Cu8izWjVyWqtzRPT6

If the link doesn’t work I’m not sure what to do, I just went to Google maps and pressed on the photo path and shared the link.

Maybe it is just a bug, I haven’t seen anyone else say they can still add photo paths. For now, I’ll just leave it and see how long it lasts. Maybe one day it’ll properly stop being available for use.

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I tried opening your link again. And the processing is now done.

I see a line of images. But somehow your images seems incorrectly rotated as seen below.

All the best


@MortenCopenhagen yeah my photo paths are always rotated for some reason I thought it was supposed to be like that. I record with my phone in portrait so maybe should I record landscape I’m not sure. But it still processed and I also just published another ten minute long photo path. :joy: Oh well.

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I think it would make sense making photo paths in landscape mode.



@MortenCopenhagen I never knew that :joy: thanks for letting me know :+1: