I am shooting Japan's four seasons.

Hello local guide!
I am shooting Japan’s four seasons.
About what I want to share most with Google Maps and why.

We also post some of Japan’s wonderful seasons and delicious shops on Google Maps.
In addition to that, it also expresses the 360-degree panoramic Street View.


Street View with bicycle
Let’s make the blue line in the simple Street View cars and video mode!
[Recap] 360 ° photo meet up in Tokyo

Thank you for sharing with everyone.
Thank you.


Hello, @ken_jp

Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo.

Your 360-degree photos are always impressive! I’m expecting you to post such nice photos each season;-)

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Hi! @HiroyukiTakisawa San

I created a 60-second video letter for "Get ready for Connect Live 2019! " and completed the application.

I did not know which video to use for YouTube, private or public, and applied for uploading to Google Drive.
But I tried to post it on YouTube as public.

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Mr. @ken_jp



That’s awesome, thank you for sharing!!!

Tokyo Station (exterior) is also one of my first 360 photos that I’ve ever taken (with an iPhone and Street View app). It’s an amazing building and I wish I could go back again and take another photo with my new Ricoh Theta Z1 :slight_smile: https://goo.gl/maps/qyL6TAEw82FTLwcG7


Buna @irinamotoc .Ma asteptam sa fie mult mai populata statia de tren din Japonia,surprinzator si contrastul dintre arhitectura veche si cea noua.

O zi buna.


@To_paul , Tokyo Station are multe iesiri, probabil ca locatia unde am facut eu poza era una mai putin tranzitata. Poate Ken ne poate lamuri mai bine.


Tokyo Station has many exits, maybe the location where I took the photo was less transited than others, that’s why there are not so many people in the picture. Perhaps @ken_jp can clarify the situation for us.