@iyudhi , @FaridMonti , @KatyaL , @PaulPavlinovich
Today I face to some problems
First and the most important is that, it seems I am not able to edit any of my posts, replies and comments.
Second, it seems some of my photos become hidden in some of my previous posts.
Am I blocked or something? is this a way to find why it happened ? and how to solve it?
I will be thankful for your kind information and necessary action if it is required.
It seems that Connect had a bad start today. The site has been down for a while and Google Moderators are unable to see everything. But I think we are back to normal now. Would you care to try again and report if your troubles are over or still persisting?
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your concern with us.
There was a temporary issue on Connect with posting topics and replies, however everything should be back to normal at the moment. Please do let us know if you face any difficulties to post a reply or edit your post. Thank you.
@KatyaL Thank you for your attention and fast response to my questions.
It seems right now it is over, and works same as before.
Thank you again and best regards
I don’t know if what happens to me is also because of the problem you said, but I realized my 3 older posts appear to be with a lock icon and I can’t edit them. But the rest of my posts are ok and also, the “edit” option appears on the menu. I wonder if I blocked myself those older posts. I don’t remember very well.
Hello @ErmesT I am having this problem today where I do not see the “Edit Reply” or the “Accept as Solution” options but only on some posts and not others. Is this problem back again or am I experiencing something new?