I am happy to be a Local Guide for Google Maps

  • Hello Google & all of its members and my Local Guide friends, I am James Peter Alexander (Level 6) Local Guide. I belong to Odisha, India. I am a Local Guide from last year and currently active from past 7 months. I didn’t knew about Local Guide Initiative, what is it, how it is helpful to people around the world and its benefits. but last year when seeing my Google maps in my Smartphone, I saw something written " Your Contributions" and then i clicked on it. It showed me some guidelines and I became a Local Guide.

  • Then I received an email from Google Local Guide that I was now a Local Guide and it told me to share my everyday experience through places I visited and write reviews, add photos of those places and earn points and levels. Slowly slowly I involved in it and watched some videos on Youtube regarding Google Local Guides. Then I came to understand the concept and goodness of helping people through your experiences and reviews.

  • Gradually I took interest on it and I liked it a lot. I started to rate the places I visited and write a review on it. I felt more happy when every month I received an email from Google Local Guides informing me that my reviews are being viewed and liked by many people and I am increasing my Level from 1 to 2 then 3 and forward.

  • And now in this current year or time I may say that now-a-days whenever I go to any places (Food court, restaurants,museums, kids park and malls etc, after visiting the places I open my Google Maps - clicked on your contributions - and added some images and wrote down a review.

  • Still I need more to learn from Google Maps and Local Guide Programs. It is a wonderful concept for all of us.

  • I would say that being a Local Guide is very helpful and I feel happy that each review I write may help others get a clear idea about the places they are going to visit or willing to visit. So Google Maps is a best option not only to view directions but also to get reviews of any places in any City, State or Country with the help of our dedicated and loving Local Guides. I deeply thanks Google and to all of my Local Guide friends for making Google maps a better place for sharing information and accessibility.

Hey James, Great post on your views about local guides.

Even i am proud to be a google local guide.

Keep sharing.

Thank you friend and wish you the same. Proud to be a Local Guide.