I am facing a lot of problems with my google map id please help me

For quite some time now I have been facing a severe problem not showing all my written reviews on Google Maps. Help me, I am asking for your help


Please tell me some way so that I can solve my problem I am working very hard please help me

@user_not_found @DeniW

Hello @Abdul0965

you are right: comparing your public profile, I can tell out of your 2,449 reviews only 46 are published and only 6,246 out of your 8,770 photos, thus 2,524 are hidden.

The text of the review, as well as each uploaded media as checked by a SPAM filter, which can cause it not to be published.

If you have photos attached to a review, a single hidden photo will also hide the entire review.

I would start by identifying which photos are hidden and delete them. To find the hidden photos, you can open two browser sessions on the desktop side by side. One session anonymous (private), i.e. without being logged into Google and the other logged into Google Maps. Then scroll through your pictures.

I am sure, @MortenCopenhagen can give you some more and better advice, if he is available,


Hi @Abdul0965

I’m not surprised that most of your reviews have been made private.

Google has automatic filters that hide your reviews so only you can see them. This can happen when some of your reviews violate the review guidelines.

Read about typical review guideline violations here. And please see my latest post called 4 Tips on writing better reviews.

I noticed from your few public reviews that you fail to explain your personal experiences. Instead you only share very general remarks and statements that anyone driving by could write.

You have to have been a customer or real visitor to write a review.

If you follow the 4 tips I’m sure you will be more successful. But I don’t know if the spam filter has put a block on your contributions. In any case you have a huge task in front of you to fix or delete that many reviews.

If you need more help understanding how to make authentic and helpful reviews I suggest we collaborate on fixing a few of them.

Best of luck