Hello local guides friends, Today i got new badge on connect by giving 10000 likes. I am a super supporter of my fellow Local Guides.
Wow… Congratulations @bdmafuz and welcome to 10K club.
Great achievement @bdmafuz .
Congratulations @bdmafuz vai.
Keep it up.
Thanks @NareshDarji @AshokPatel @Mak5
Congratulations bro @bdmafuz
Its huge achievement.
Thanks @ShahriarAzadEvan @MS_Pathan
Welcome to the SS group dear brother @bdmafuz . I was the 87th One when i got this badge 1 months ago.
Thanks @ShakilAK vi for wish, Now it is 98th.
@bdmafuz Congratulations
@bdmafuz Many thanks to you for those 10,000 recognitions for the other local guides, congratulations on this badge!
I invite you to vote for my idea:
Thanks @vvaibhav655 @Robert24 @TusharSuradkar
Sounds great, Congratulations @bdmafuz
Hi @bdmafuz Bhai, Congratulations!
Thanks @AbdullahAM @ShahMdSultan
Congratulations on the achievement @bdmafuz and best wishes for the next milestone.
~Greetings from New Delhi
Thanks @TusharSuradkar