I am a local guide, I am at level 6

It is quite simple to participate and help other people to know places, where they also serve you well, I loved the idea, thanks to Google Maps for allowing the sharing of photos and places.


I am alocal guide, I am at level 6

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Hello @BenjAVel ,

Thank you for sharing.

You’re maybe writing to apply or already applied for your Connect Live application. You can find everything you need to know about applying in the link above and further information in the following one.

I would like to let you know that I’m moving your post to Local Stories section on Connect.

PS: I am going to remove the Spanish language label from your post as it doesn’t contain such. Only posts written in a specific language should have the corresponding label. You can find more information in this article: How do I find posts in my preferred language?

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Thank you! I could not send the request, the time was up and I was half with the message, so I also deleted the video, always thanks for the advice.