hello all this is geetharda from ECIL hyderabad , LET’S CONTRIBUTE MORE and help others to find places easier with google maps let’s meet comming weekend @ecil ie on 28th may 2017
This is Teja from Hyderabad, can you please share more details about the meetup
I thought of meeting near ECIL and go for a walk we will plan for 2
Great Idea… Would like to know who all are joining
Few local guides… Of this locality and if any around hyderabad… Will plan regularly contact me- facebook -geethardachowdarytalasila
@GeethardaC brother there is a local guide whatsapp group containing 25 odd local guides from Hyderabad, @AslamMo is the admin , he will add you.
We already completed 2 offiicial meets and are going to meet on june 18 ,international local guide meet up day .
https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Let-s-Meet-Up/Hyderabad-Food-Crawl/m-p/259211/highlight/false#M17611 is the meet up details
and opt the your are attending option if interested here .
@GeethardaC brother there is a local guide whats app group containing 25 odd local guides from Hyderabad, @AslamMo is the admin , he will add you.
We already completed 2 official meets and are going to meet on June 18 ,international local guide meet up day .
https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Let-s-Meet-Up/Hyderabad-Food-Crawl/m-p/259211/highlight/false#M17611 is the meet up details
and opt the your are attending option if interested here .
there is a local guide whatsapp group containing 25 odd local guides from Hyderabad, .
We already completed 2 offiicial meets and are going to meet on june 18 ,international local guide meet up day .
https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Let-s-Meet-Up/Hyderabad-Food-Crawl/m-p/259211/highlight/false#M17611 is the meet up details
and opt the your are attending option if interested here .
Sounds good.
I’m very much interested
Can you please add me in what’s app group
Sure , i have asked admin to add you, may be soon you will be added, a request don’t post your personal information on connect like mobile number,mail ID, send them through personal message if you want.
Ya sure brother…Thank you
Go ahead plan and post the details about the meetup…
Hyderabad LG’s are always ready
I thought of meeting on 28th morning 6:30… Will walk and explore at ECIL… And will meet monthly or ASAP in different places
There is a procodure to host a meet up
follow this link…
Ya i did that… I need to get approval… from google
@SunilPatel wrote:
There is a procodure to host a meet up
follow this link…