Humanitarian teachings at Government Polytechnic Junagadh Gujarat India

Here is a story of a very small government engineering college which is doing something different and better, which may pave a path for other thousands of institutions. I like to share such innovative and motivating stories which may transform lives of hundreds of people.

I have visited many educational institutions so far. Almost all educational institutes are teaching in a very stereotype way . But I felt teaching at this institute, Government Polytechnic Junagadh, is beyond normal way, many things out of the books. Here students are taught how to become human first. Moral values are part and partial of daily routine. Cleanliness and greenery and discipline attracts ones attention just on entering the campus.Staff and students have tried to make it like Switzerland of India. Staff and students efforts are visible at every corner of campus including ultra clean toilets. All girls toilets are equipped with sanitary napkin kits . I may not be able to express it in words, but surely I will say, its one of the best engineering institute where best HUMANS are prepared.

No doubt YouTube would be the best way to spread such positive matter. But I realized that parents will search this institute on Google Maps first, so I decided to share about this positive fact via Google Maps. I am very much happy that thousands of people have so far viewed my photos an videos on Google Maps.

By doing this contribution through Google Maps, , I felt happy that Parents’ hard earned money are not wasted for paying heavy fees of private institutions. Further to add, their kids are learning more of human values too. I am happy that my dream is coming true .