How we the Local Guides can maybe try and make google maps even better!

I would guess that most viewing my post are Local Guides - and you took a look at this post because you too are here to try and find ways to make Google Maps better. Well as a local guide currently at level 8 I have gained a lot of experience working to help. I think we all know the local guides who are out there to pickup some fast point and scale the levels by posting tons of picture and clips. I think we all need to put ourselves in the place of the the users - ask ourselves what can really help them make the most from the time they spend viewing and using Google Maps. Pictures are great - but maybe we should focus our pictures in such a way that they will be helpful to others. I have been trying lately to put myself in the place of a use with a mobility disability. When I take a picture of a site I try to give exposure to the entrance - would someone with a wheelchair be able to enter? I focus on uncovering missing information - yes I know this does not gain me fast points but it is soooo important to the user - answering such simple yes/no questions such as “Has wheelchair lift/” “Has wheelchair accessible entrance?” is great - but if the user can see, via our pictures what the entrance looks like can be sooo much more helpful for him or her!

So let’s all try and help - and remember to put ourselves in the place of the Other - in our photography, reviews and in our descriptions of site… we will all make Google Maps even better than it is today!



Totally agree with you, @Napplbaum !!!

Great post! Try to upload the horisontal picture for your nice post, if you see that this one looks upside little bit.

Have a great continuation with your contributions to Google Maps, dear @Napplbaum !

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Hi @Napplbaum ,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

I am very happy to see people who really care about Google Maps, and how can they make it better for everyone.

I totally agree with you and I think that everyone who is using Google Maps has to do it with conscience.