How to upload picture without reopening the listing?

Hello, all!!

There is a small hotel close to my workplace. It is closed offline and it is closed in Google maps. That is correct.

I wanted to upload picture to show the current window but Google maps wanted from me to open the listing - to be able to upload picture?

Is there any other way to do it, without reopening the object?

Thank you.


If the status of the hotel is, as you said, correctly flagged as closed, the contributions are “frozen” @BorislavA

No new clients will be able to visit that place, so it doesn’t make any sense to update the status of the images, even if the external aspect may be changed.

If in the future the Hotel will open again, well, that one will be the right moment to update the photos

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Hello, @ErmesT

Great explanation!!

Thank you.

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Hi @BorislavA ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

Since @ErmesT helped you clarify your doubts, I will mark his comment as a solution. We do this for a better visibility in case someone else has a similar question. You can learn more about it in this artice.

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