How to unlock this

Hi. I’m still learning a lot about the badges of Google review. Recently I have been seeing this on my contribute page and have no idea how to do it exactly. I’ve tried answering questions posted by people on a location but that did not work. I’ve tried naming dishes that would pop up for me to name after I post them but it did not work to. Anyone knows how?


So I believe you need to answer questions that other people have asked about a business. Not answer questions related to the business.

Is it questions posted here? Because I did and nothing happened.

hello @NoelTan , for this, you need to look at every part where you are asked about the businesses you have visited before. You will complete it when you answer 2 questions from there.It’s not the place in the picture you sent last. The question mentioned here is the question google asked us.

I can help you like this. There is a tab that says share the most up-to-date information when you enter from your desktop. When you click there, you can answer the questions. I use Turkish in , but maybe the picture will help you.

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Thank you so much! I will take a look for sure!

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you are welcome we are here to help​:smiling_face: :+1:t2: @NoelTan

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@NoelTan Answer Questions Means… You’ve To Answer Question Asked By Google Maps In Contributions Sections You Will Get Option Of Answer Question

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Do you mean from here that’s from the contribute page. I’ve tried but did not work.

Hi. I’ve search many places on desktop but I failed to find the “share the most up to date” option like you’ve mentioned. Am I missing something?