I always use my smartphone to take photos Whenever I share anything to connect and even on Facebook many people interested to ask which camera I am using, when I told them I use only cellphone to take photos they surprised and the next question which smartphone you are using. when I answers this question then I have to face another question which software you are using and so on.
So today I think why not I share my experience with my fellow local guides.And also tell them tips and tricks about smartphone photography.
Please keep in mind I am not a professional photographer and I am still learning and I think one can learn till death,If he wants.May be my any tip or trick would be wrong in your view please must correct me and share your view and also if you knew something else please must share,I will ad your tip also in my article with your name and also I am giving here a shared album link where you can post your great cellphone photos too.
so world can see your great photos.So we can make this article most helpful for newbies
My Great Photos
so let’s move to the tips and tricks
1-Clean your camera glass
Usually we keep our cellphone in our pockets this make camera glass little bit foggy must clean your camera glass with a tissue paper whenever you take it out from your pocket
2-Light source
Most important thing is Light source whatever it is sun or tube light must be at you back and be careful if taking pictures of a person your shadow shouldn’t be on your object or person
3-Hold your breath
Don’t move at all even hold your breath while taking pictures it will help you to made your picture clear
4-Use of flash
Don’t use flash in normal light use only in low light or if you taking pictures of a person whose face is darkened from one side.
5-Creative aspect
Please don’t ignore the creative aspect of any picture observe the object from different angles it will help to improve your creativity and give your pictures an artist look.
6-Attrectiv selfies
For your own great outdoor selfies and photos wear red, orange or Shocking pink etc clothes it will add life in your outdoor photography.
7-Add the object
Some time it to add any colorful props to the landscape gives a beautiful touch to your Photography for example a colorful umbrella
8-share your best
Must examine your photos post only your best photos on social media keep in mind about Quality not quantity9-Crop your photos
Must crop your photos if they have unnecessary things on border it will little bit zoom the real object
Crop the empty big space like a Big wall a lot of sky will shorten your object crop that space and make your object more prominent
10-Extra Zoom
Please keep in mind Don’t use extra zooming it will blur your picture instead take picture in normal mode and after that crop it11-Manage Lightening
the most important secret of my photography is use Lightening feature of any photo editing software to correct the colors and make picture more visible and attractive I am using ACDSee Pro for this purpose.
12-Add some colors
This tip is only for landscape photography use a settings of advance color and add some Green if picture have trees or Grass and add some golden color if
picture have skin or light golden color soil or mountain and with same way you can add turquoise color for lacks and blue for sky
13-Tap the screen
some time you object’s face is little bit in Dark if you want to brighten that side tap on that part of screen
not all but mostly mobiles have this feature
Use grid-lines to improve the alignment and Balance of your photo
15-Use Reflections
Use reflections in water while doing outdoor photography but it is necessary at that Time water should be in complete calm and quiet mode.
16-Golden hour
Try to use pictures in Golden hour The golden hour is the period of daytime just after sunrise or just before , during which daylight is softer
than when the Sun is higher in the sky.
17-Use Symmetry
This tip use for group Photos for example you have 5 person in a picture keep tallest person in center and shorter in height keep gradually on edge
Don’t take pictures side wise of a fat boy it will prominent it’s bally
18-Play with black
Some time only one color keep colorful and remaining Part convert in to Black and White
19-Use tripod
If you have plenty of time use a tripod for more stable picture
20-Take candid
Some pictures are more effective when a person doesn’t know that you are taking his picture
remember this tip is only for those who didn’t mind it.
And last but not the least you also be a great photographer But don’t forget it needs also a lot of Practice because practice makes a man perfect.
These all pictures taken by my mobile except one