How to take great photos in low light

The first step in taking a great photo is usually finding good natural light to illuminate the scene. However, that’s not always possible, like when you’re trying to capture a landmark just after sunset or snap a delicious dish at a dimly lit restaurant. Some cameras allow you to make special adjustments to your exposure for a quick fix, but if you don’t have that option, there are still some basic steps you can take to get better photos in low light situations.

Here are my tips to help improve the photos you take when you have limited available light.

1. Prepare beforehand

Know what kind of light will be at the location before you get there. Check the time of sunset before you head out and aim to take photos before it gets too dark. Getting your photos during the warm light of sunset can be a magical experience if it is timed right!

2. Don’t zoom

Try using your feet instead! If you want to get closer to your subject, move your body closer. When you zoom into your scene, you are actually cropping into your image and the photo will look pixelated when taken in low light.

3. Hold your camera steady while setting your focus and exposure

By holding your camera still when taking a photo, you can prevent your photo from blurring with camera shake. A small tripod can help, but if you don’t have a tripod, brace yourself and your camera against a wall or other solid object. Make sure you are relaxed when holding your camera, as a tense hand can cause camera shake. Tap the screen to set the focus and proper exposure of the image, and finally press the shutter.

4. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake

Some of the best photos are captured by learning from trial and error. When shooting with a smartphone or digital camera, take a few test shots using different techniques to see what results in the best image. Low-light photography can be a fun challenge, so don’t be afraid to experiment with your camera.

5. Use flash only as a last resort

When flash is used, it can cast a harsh light and color on your subject, that is usually different from the surrounding environmental light. Whenever possible, try to only use natural light to illuminate the scene.

Do you enjoy taking photos in low light? Apply these tips on your next low-light photo adventure and share your photos on Google Maps and with others here in Connect in the comments below. We’d love to see your amazing pics!


Beautiful and wonderful picture


Hi @Christina-NYC !

I wait and I always read your posts very willingly with lots of useful tips!
I agree with the above, especially on the use (and abuse) of the flash!
Another advice to add if you allow me is to use, when possible, the volume button of the earphones to take the picture: this allows you to hold the phone securely with your hand and avoid even the slightest blur caused by the touch of the button shutter or the physical volume up button of the smartphone.

Here my photo from Bryce Canyon taken on golden hour (sunset) :

You can view original here : Bryce Canyon




too beautiful


Thank you very much @Christina-NYC for very useful tips.

It is a big problem for me to take a picture in low light.

“Use flash only as a last resort.”-I think it is very important.

I try to made photo in low light in Treviso,Italy.


Low lighting is always such a challenge and these tips definitely help, @Christina-NYC . I think preparation, as you said, is usually a great first step when it isn’t a spontaneous shoot. And you’re definitely hitting it right on the nail in terms of not zooming or moving - those types of suggestions are very different than when taking shots during the day time or situation with much more light.

I’d advise everyone to not have the automatic flash option enabled on mobile devices as flash really should be a last resort as you said.

Thankfully for many Pixel users like myself theres the option for Night Sight but even as natural photographers these tips are very essential.


@davidhyno Amazing! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo and the useful tip! I’ll have to try it! Thank you!


Thanks @Christina-NYC !

I hope one day to see your post with suggestions on streetlife photos!




Dear @Christina-NYC I love long exposure photos :slight_smile:

I will share some favourites from my already uploaded to Connect


Take advantage of burst mode with your camera, whether its a smartphone camera or otherwise. You can just hold down the shutter button and take multiple photos in rapid succession. This helps combat camera shake because you can remain still and aren’t moving your fingers/hands while taking each shot, raising your chances of getting the sharpest photo possible, esp. in more challenging conditions.

The downside is more photos to sift through and vet, but sometimes it’s worth it for that perfect shot. :slight_smile:




Perfect photos @LucioV

You are professional!)

Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for the night tips @Christina-NYC


Hi @Christina-NYC ,
I would like to thank you for sharing such a useful post for all of us. I am also looking for this type of topics. I hope it will definitely attract the new user.

Thanks again.


Thanks @Christina-NYC for the great tips. I would add that if you have access to the shutter speed, you may want to adjust it for the optimal exposure. In low light some phones lower the shutter speed so much that the light seems to wash out the scene. If you can increase the shutter speed a bit, the lights can be more distinct in the image.

If you are doing long exposure with a DSLR on a tripod you can also add a bit of light painting to the image while the shutter is open. Here I quickly illuminated the coconut tree with a flashlight while doing a 30 second exposure of the milky way.


@Christina-NYC you always give us great advice on how to take good pictures. Thank for that!

The task is difficult when there is poor light and I am moving (when I am in a car, for example)

I wanted to shoot my camera at night and while I was on the move, but I didn’t get a good result.

Would you mind tell me how I can take photos by moving? I know this is material for another publication.


Night sight on the Google Pixel. That’s all I have to comment. Cheers!




@Christina-NYC I really enjoy to take photos in low light because where I can find a different flavour .

Your tips and tricks are so worthy.

I love to read those.

Here a picture from my last tour to the Tanguar Hair


Hey @Christina-NYC thanks you the great advise. I’ll use your advise from now to take take night pictures.