How to spell (or not to spell) audio-visual

Some people couldn’t care less about consistency, others care a lot about it. Some people couldn’t care less about categories in Google Maps, others care a lot about it. What then do you think the reaction will be of someone tending towards the latter group on both occasions (yours truly, obviously) when stumbling across the following category names in the list of Google Maps categories (yes, indeed, some people do have very awkward ways of spending their time off):

  • Audio Visual Equipment Hire Service [no hypen, all words capitalized]
  • Audio visual equipment repair service [no hyphen, only the first word capitalized]
  • Audio-visual equipment supplier [with hypen]

I will tell you what the reaction then is: pure horror! Well, not literally, of course, but still “Hey guys, there’s room for improvement here!”

By the way: different dictionaries use different spellings for the term, so it’s hard to judge what the ‘best’ one will be, but at the very least it should be the same for all 3 (as is the case in the US English categories - the examples were taken from the non-US English list).


@JanVanHaver As a communicator and someone with slight (or much?) OCD, I’m in the same boat of sentiment as you are haha. I decided to see how it is in the US and this is what I saw

Should have a hyphen but doesn’t, although they kept thing relatively consistent (as far as capitalization) :sweat_smile: :grin: .


@SP31 sometimes I get the impression that a touch of OCD is a prerequisite for getting selected as moderator - right @AdrianLunsong ?


@JanVanHaver @SP31 I’m definitely a grammar truant (as oppose to being a grammar police) but I would imagine it’s with the hyphen! That said, I probably wouldn’t have noticed it until I get a listing having both options showing and that would make me go crazy! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: