How to solve a "do not have privileges to access" error

Some friends have told me they can access one of my posts (it is no more: “El tren de Pozuelo Estación”).

Please see below the error message.

I must admit it’s a bit discouraging to me all the technical incidences I’ve been experiencing lately.

Moderators and Googlers are incredibly kind and supporting regarding these inconviniences -such a proactive probkem-solving attitude! Nevertheless, I’m afraid I finally gave up in a number of them, for instance:

:negative_squared_cross_mark: Not being able to nominate a Local GUide

:negative_squared_cross_mark: Permalink is not shown: All my gratitude for the solutions provided by @ErmesT @AngieYC @C_T (painstaking job, thanks!). They provided alternatives that worked, but problem still persists, anyway.

:negative_squared_cross_mark: There are some more, but in the form of a reply, so it will take time to find them.

Please, don’t take my wrong, I’m honoured with all this effort from yours, I’'m not complaining at all. It’s just that I think you might be interested in knowing how less-experienced Local Guides could feel and, progressively, loose the energy to keep on posting.

Many thanks :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


Hello @SonjaPerera

That message appears whenever any post becomes off-topic.

If that happens because of the surveillance by the automated spam filters, the writer has to tag a moderator to release the post from the quarantine.

Otherwise, if a moderator has marked that as off-topic, there will always be a notification announcing that.

You have to understand the reason & remember not to repeat the same occurrence.


Thanks @C_T

I’m looking forward to learn and do it better. But… shouldn’t they send us a notification or something?

@AlejandraMaria : would you be so kind as to enlighten me :bulb: :blush: about what’s wrong with the Pozuelo Estación post? These people has being doing such a gigantic effort for helping the elderly during pandemic, and now they’ve found my humble acknowledging post it’s being removed?

Thanks to you all!!!

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Dear @SonjaPerera

I hope you are well. I am really sorry to know that you had series of technical difficulties with your posts. I did not follow your previous posts and not aware of the issues you had there, but with the “You do not have sufficient privileges message” its mostly the case as described by @C_T .

Mostly, its because your post has been moved, now it could happen in multiple ways

  1. Moved by a moderator, because they think its off-topic
  2. Merged into an existing thread by a moderator (which makes it unavailable momentarily for some people)
  3. moved to spam queue by automatic spam filters (which sometimes is aggressive, but does not necessarily means your had to be there in first place)

So, based on that I assume your post was unavailable to the audience and this error message roughly means that “well, that content is resting somewhere where you cannot go”, I know how bad it feels, but you must always report it to either connect or google moderators. Google Moderators get a lot of emails and notifications so its best to tag connect moderators so that they can immediately start looking in to it.
It does not matter how many times you ask for help, that’s what we are here for. The job is to make connect more accessible and friendly for everyone.

Once again, if your post was marked as spam it does not necessarily means that it had something against the content rules or policies, sometimes its just the spam filter fighting aggressively for all of us.

I hope that we will be able to resolve all the technical issues that you reported.

Keep posting


SO kind of you, @OmerAli !!!

What a thorough reply! You really cheered me up.

I walked several miles interviewing people and taking pictures of those “Local Heroes”, and then invest all my love and time in writing and fomatting (you know… cropping the photos, lowing their weight under 3MG, adding subtitles, adjusting the paragraphs, inserting symbols…).

It shouldn’t be so difficult to send an automatic message to the author when their content is removed, should it? It will bring us information, but especially a feeling that we are important for Connect, don’t you think so?

I’m very grateful for your response… and I love your signature! It really wowed me!


wow, this is an awesome idea @SonjaPerera . I think it would be very cool if authors get a “status reply” on their posts. I am not sure whether it has been posted on Idea Exchange or not, but either way I am going to bring it to Google moderator’s attention as well as discuss it with other connect moderators.

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That’s absolutely kind of you, @OmerAli .

My experience in Ideas Exchange is that it’s really valuable for great ideas regarding benefits for Google Maps’ users (as the women accesibility in restrooms Women Friendly Toilets , for instance, launched by @AmbrishVarshney ).

On the other hand, my humble proposals for Ux of Local Guides in Connect were commented as not worthy, and then merged with others equally lost, some of them already closed (i.e.: smart way to insert links typing #, in the same way we type @ to tag fellow Local Guides.) In fact, I’m pretty agreed that Google Maps Ux is the very priority… everything is based on them, isn’t it?

To my mind, the direct communication to other Google Moderators you’ve kindly offered would be the best way to propose this item.

Tnahs again, have a “lively” day! :heart_eyes:

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@SonjaPerera , have you edited that post several times in a short period of time? If yes, then that is likely the reason for the filters marking it as spam. I had the same issue. I reported it to the moderators and the post was released from the spam filter some time later. After that I remembered that one should be careful editing posts and rather use preview before posting it.

You can read more about spam marking in this post .

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Thanks @YuliiaZa !

Yes, I did edit it, but not recently. By the way, the case you mentioned happened to me in my second post (tones of ediitings, I was so excited!!!), but the message was different (“has been marked as Spam” or something like this).

My experience was super great, as the one you’ve just described 'cause I was inmediatly helped by a moderator. I’m so glad for the supportive atmosphere, here in Connect.

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@SonjaPerera , I thought the message you attached was what your friends saw when trying to access your post, not what you saw. I saw the same when tried to access someone else’s post that was marked as spam.

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Hola @SonjaPerera ,

Lo que te ha pasado entonces … ¿es que te ha desaparecido un post que se llama “El tren de Pozuelo Estación”?

Porque por un lado, estos días a mi me han saltado errores sin venir a cuento. Hay veces que hay cambios en la plataforma y temporalmente saltan errores. Por otro lado, otro Guía Local justo había escrito esto es un post, que le había desaparecido un post y no había forma de dar con él. No lo encontré en el Spam, que por cierto he mirado también si estaba el tuyo y no…

Así que según sea tu respuesta, vemos que hacer porque si ya a dos os han desaparecido publicaciones… hay algo detrás :thinking:

Un besazo desde el SUr de España,




Gracias, Sherlock!!!

Para tu info, por si ayuda: el mensaje de error de la imagen le da a otros usuarios y a mí. Hemos probado en varios soportes, a todos les sale lo mismo.

Muchos besos y mi agradecimiento infinito.

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Ah, otra cosa por si ayuda, este el link al que apunta el buscador de Google, ahí verás el error y quizás alguna información adicional.

Gracias de nuevo, @AlejandraMaria


Vaya @SonjaPerera , el misterio sigue sin resolverse :thinking:

Vamos a ver si nos pudiera ayudar @GNaznos pudiera ayudar. Que por cierto es una fantástica moderadora que también habla español :clap: :clap: :clap:

Saludos desde el Sur de España,




I see many people already searched for your post, and the tag by @AlejandraMaria to @GNaz will for sure give you a definitive answer.

This is actually, according to Google Search (where your post still indexed) the URL of your post:

As you can see, on the URL I have highlighted the folder “Archive-Forum”.

What does it mean? Your post have been archived. When a post is archived is accessible only to Google, but a Moderator will always let you know that the post has been archived and why.

How a Moderator notify you? By tagging you in the post. You will not be able to find the tag on the notifications in Connect, because the post is no longer available, but a notification will also generate an email. Checking your email you should be able to find the notification.

Why a post is archived? There are two main reasons for a post to be archived:

  • Because the post is “off topic”, not related to the topics of the community. What are Connect topics? will give you some reference.
  • Because the content, or part of it, is not originally yours. Moderators always search if the content (both text and photos) appears to be original. Time by time an error may happen, e.g. you wrote an article that is published online and wanted to re-use the same text, or you used one or more photos that you have already published on the web or on social media, or you used a content that is not yours, but you had the permission of the author for using it. Some tip about original content can be found here: How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect? and here: A Reflection on “Original Content” - What if this Photo … is Yours?

Of course, as I haven’t seen your post, I can only share with you the possible reasons for a post to be archived. Please check your email, including spam / promotion and social folders. The email will give you more details, and the possibility to explain and to have your post back in Connect.

Please let me know


Ok, wait a moment, I have got it, with a small search, @SonjaPerera

It seems you posted the article here, probably on the same day. So the original article is yours :slightly_smiling_face:

I am sure @GNaz will release your post, if there aren’t other “apparently” not original contents




Please check now: your post is here now: El tren de Pozuelo Estación: vagón a vagón, servicio a servicio

Nice post :slightly_smiling_face:


Hola @SonjaPerera ,

Tu post había sido fusionado al Archivo off-topic porque algunas de las fotos que habías compartido no eran tuyas y en otra había un numero de telefóno de un comercio.

Por si no lo sabes, en Connect no se permiten promociones de ningún tipo - autopromoción, promoción comercial, ect., ya que constituyen una violación de las reglas. También nosotros animamos a los mismbros de la comunidad que compartan contenido original. Más información al respeto puedes encontrar en el archivo How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect?.

Ten en cuenta que he sacado tu post del Archivo off-topic y lo he editado por las susodichas razones y ya lo puedes encontrar en Connect.


Gracias, @AlejandraMaria . Te estás tomando muchas molestias, me siento algo culpable, incluso.

:sparkling_heart: :heart: muchas gracias

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Muchas gracias! @GNaz

Siento mucho lo del teléfono, tiene toda la lógica del mundo.

Lo de la foto (solo una, la del final), una duda: puse en el pie de foto que estaba cedida por el autor (Country living). Entiendo que entonces tampoco se puede. ¿Es correcto?

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