How to name the unnamed street road

Hi there,

I would like to correct and name the unnamed street roads in my locality/city/town. I have been submitted few edits from which few approved but still showing unnamed road even after laps of 1 year and other rejected. I have geotaged photos of the signboard of the street road name. Please guide. Regards


Hi @AjjuR

Please let us know if you have been using the Suggest an edit or the Feedback route to fix the problem. And what feedback did you get?

Streets are not really something Local Guides should be messing with.

Fixing the problem would be easy for your local authorities should they have entered into a partnership with Google Maps as described below:

Google Maps has a program enabling local and regional partners to upload their data directly and automatically. Please learn more here: Google Maps Content Providers

Examples include municipalities and public transport providers.



I think it’s also relevant for you to seek help on this in the Maps support forum.

Attach official documentation to support the naming.

Please see this link to learn how to use the Maps support forum successfully.


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Hello @AjjuR

I find from your Maps profile you are from India and I have noted many of my LG friends here succeeding in road addition without any issues.

Nevertheless, we can’t expect success in every edit.

The reasoning is explained lucidly in this helpdesk article.

Further, it would be incorrect to suggest a repeat edit once the first one stands rejected. That may amount to spamming.

Nonetheless, there are some more ways to achieve the desired changes.

  1. Mention the issue in the community pages of Maps help & support forum. The link is here.

  1. Another way is to route the requirement through the content partners.

However, requesting our local government authorities will not work. For them, the maps published by Survey of India are the defacto standards.

Still, if you are living in a private township, the developers can arrange an update through this content partners route.

The exercise would be worth even though you may not be getting any credit in points. Your actions will ensure that the Maps is up to date.

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Hi @AjjuR it is perfectly good to try and fix problems with roads including wrong or missing names. Follow the directions at it may be difficult for Google to validate your suggestion which is why they sometimes get rejected. You can also try on the Maps Support community where you can more easily add photos to support your claim.

@MortenCopenhagen your advice is not correct “Streets are not really something Local Guides should be messing with.” - Local Guides are welcome to edit road data as per the support articles I’ve linked above and I recommend people do it.



Thanks all of you @MortenCopenhagen @C_T and @PaulPavlinovich for your kind suggestions. I will try my best to improve the quality of GM. I have already been worked in Google Map Maker and added approximately 4500 + Kms road. Googler also appreciated my edits. GMM is much better than GM. However, once again thanks


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Sorry about misleading you slightly above.

Maybe could be of interest to you. It is available only in select countries. But you might be lucky.



Thanks @MortenCopenhagen

I am already a active user in Google Road Mapper. In Road mapper you have to edit only the area where you have directed but in GM one is free to edit anywhere.


Roadmapper is a lot of fun @AjjuR I doubt I’m in your league but I tend to jump in there when I want something to do for a few minutes.


Hi @PaulPavlinovich

Nice to see you too in Road Mapper. I am very familiar with your contribution in GM and LG connect. I regularly reading your post and suggestions to follow LGs specially when the problem arised in photography :blush: . I suggest team road mapper that the area which flashing in specific area must be larger than the current one.


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I suspect they’re kept small for a couple of reasons @AjjuR the main one is that its hard to align satellite photography with physical features on the ground. You may have noticed when your edit area includes someone else’s contributions and they’re not aligned to the road and you have to fix them.

The second reason is I imagine its to reduce influence of one person over a given area to avoid problematic contribution. e.g. pay me and I will add your road.


@PaulPavlinovich you are very correct, some road mapper users arenot aligning the road with satellite image. I suggest to such user edit the road in maximum zoom which will avoid misalignment in future too.

Once again thanks for your suggestions and support.

I’m not so sure they’re not aligning it @AjjuR I’ve done quite a bit of work in mapping and GIS and I know how hard it is to align a flat representation like a a cartesian map over the top of the real world which is curved in varying ways depending on where you are on the planet. With satellite and and aerial imagery this can be even harder because the image itself is taken at an angle - they’re rarely taken from exactly 90 degrees above the target. When you look at the same aerial photo depending on where you are looking from it will align with different places on the surface. I think this is what’s happening in Roadmapper rather than people being careless.


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