Contributing in Local guides program is by itself most fun and constructive, a joyful and socially responsible hobby that can make you feel like a useful individual. A rewarding number of views and likes can surely feel nice and encourage more guidance, but one should not make it a predominant factor while contributing.
Some places might attract less attention and less views. It doesn’t make it less helpful or important. It is my understanding that our ‘playground’ is the entire planet and we should strive to document as much as we can.
With that in mind, and from a more informal point of view, I have to admit I’ve long since wanted to discuss some unusual and unexpected numbers some of my photos have gotten.
It is very understandable, if one is residing in The Netherlands and takes pictures of various venues, that a cannabis store a.k.a. a coffeeshop will yield many views, since they are almost unique and very attractive to tourist as well as the local. But then, how in the name of heaven, a photo of a health center in a small town next to Zagreb (capital of Croatia) is in the company top 10 most viewed photos? All of the other photos are coffeeshops, one magic mushroom store and then a health center. How?
Another example is a very basic, bus station bar that is used as a stop on your way from Grenada to Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain. I spent five exciting days traveling from Malaga to Grenada, Cordoba and back to Malaga, constantly uploading pictures of food, hostels and landmarks but that one small and remote bar took 1st place by far. This is actually hardly important or pressing and maybe to some not mysterious at all, but to me it became ever so interesting and entertaining.
I would urge you not to consider this post as a serious one, I only wish to make a small and silly contribution to this worthy endeavor