How to make my edits higher chance to be approved?

Hi, I’ve been trying to move the drop pin of a cafe near my area for weeks, and I’m still unsuccessful in all my attempts. The address stated in the Google Maps is correct, but the pin where it dropped on the map is off by at least 100 meters or so. It’s quite confusing and a few of my friends have already experienced getting lost and unable to find the exact location many times, especially because this cafe is not located on the ground floor as well.

So, I’m interested to know, is there a way to make the chances of my edit more probable to be approved?

Thanks !

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Hi @NicholasWong

How do you try to move the pin?

Please read:



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, moving the pin was exactly what I tried to do. I’ve done it at least 3 times in fact, on different occasions. But even after a few weeks have passed, when I search for that cafe, it’s still pointing to the wrong location. In the link you have shared, basically I’ve applied Method #1 multiple times, since the written address was actually correct.

Any other suggestions you have? That cafe is actually owned by a friend of mine, so I also felt sorry for her that her potential customers are going to the wrong place each time they used Google Maps.

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Next step is to check if the listing is claimed. Do you see the text Do you own or manage this business? Or are there answers from the owner?

Owned businesses can be hard to edit. Just ask your friend to move it.

Repeatedly trying the same edit will trigger the spam filter.

Share the link and the correct location if the above does not fix it.



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Okay, I’ll take your suggestion and ask my friend to update it instead. Will update you again if this method works. Thanks for the advice!

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Have you tried to check where Google Maps is sending you when you type the address of the business in the search bar?

Sometimes the pin is in the wrong position because the associated address (street number) is in the wrong position.

In this case the address need to be fixed first. To know how to proceed please check this article: Fix a missing address or wrong pin location

Hi @ErmesT ,

I have confirmed that the address is correct.

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