Recently fellow local guide @LightRich wrote Monitoring our photo views a great post on the different ways Local Guides can monitor photo views. @Stephanie_OWL also covered this in her superb article Cleaning up my google maps profile and what impact it had on her. In this post, I’d like to share my approach to this, which is similar in many ways because I too am now using the powerful tools made available to all Local Guides by Connect Moderator @AdamGT
Being a local guide is a great way to share your knowledge and help others discover your city. As a local guide, you can create detailed reviews, upload photos and videos, and answer questions about places in your city.
Local guides on Google Maps provide helpful information and reviews about local businesses, attractions, and other points of interest. This provides a valuable service to travelers and locals alike by helping them make informed decisions on places to go and things to do. Additionally, local guides add a personal touch to Google Maps, allowing users to connect with members of their local community and get more detailed information than what is available from generic search engine results.
Writing detailed reviews on Google Maps can help other users find the best businesses, services, and experiences in your area. Reviews provide valuable feedback to help businesses make adjustments and provide better service. Additionally, providing a detailed review allows other users to identify if the experience is something they may enjoy or avoid.
How to track your own photo views weekly or monthly to know which places or photos are doing great, this will also give you perspective next time to know which angles are good and whether internal or external photos work best.
First option: - Using google maps on your phone where you can look at each photo, check the number of views on each photo and you can also get the total number of views of all your photos, also if you sort by “Most viewed” you will get your highest photos views sorted by Ascending, also if you press on Contribute tab you can see chart update every week for the total number of photos views and how many views you gained in this week.
Second option: - using google maps on your Desktop and you can find how many views for each photo and the total number of views for all photos, but the statistics option is not available on your Desktop.
As a local guide, you want more analysis on your photos to track your photos weekly or monthly to measure your progress, and this is why @AdamGT introduced to us The Leaderboards System which is an amazing platform that has a lot of features it’s really important as a local guide to sign up on it, @AdamGT has added a lot of instructions inside it to guide you with everything you need.
How I use the system to monitor the effectiveness of my contributions: -
You can track your data monthly with an analysis like that:-
Also, you can track your Points monthly with an analysis like that: -
Monitor Photo Views through Vitals: -
I’m going to talk now about how to monitor your “Photos views” using “VIP lounge – Vitals “and then choose photo views, in this section, you will find the total number of photo views each month and if you click on any month, it will take you to this month published “Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboards “.
Then after that, you will find charts in which you will know your photo views growing each month compared with the total number of photos this month.
Then you can see the table “Average Views/Photo History” which shows the average view for your total photos, also if you click on any month will take you to this month’s published “Top 100 Photo Views Leaderboards “. Then you will find a chart showing the total number of photos compared with the Average views/Photo
Then you will find a chart showing the total number of photos compared with Photos Views & Average views/Photo.
I’m going to talk now about how to monitor your “Star photo”, simply choose “VIP lounge – Vitals “then choose Star Photos, in this section, you can find “Star Photos Views History” which will tell you the total number of views on your star photo, but you have to remember something when using leaderboards system, that you will have to update all your data monthly so the charts can be updated for you. Then you will find a chart showing the progress of your start photo each month.
Then you can see a table showing “Star Photos Average Views/Day History” where you can see the average views and if it’s growing monthly or decreasing. Then you will find a chart showing the progress of star photo average views/day.
If you are interested in more statistics about your photos using Startrack prediction you will find all details here.