How to help small businesses in Quito?

Quito, Ecuador, in South America is the capital of Ecuador, and it´s is the home of 3 million people. Located in the Highlands at 2.750 mts above the level of the sea, Quito is a city full of small businesses and offers to local people and foreign tourists a lot of options to visit, and places to eat.

Quito is a city of entrepreneurs, in every block of our neoghborhoods we can find small markets, groceries stores, restaurants, car detailing shops, auto mechanic workshops, small parks for kids, etc. But, how do we help owners of these businesses to be known and recognized in our area, and in our comunity? In first place, we have to buy their products, foods or services in these businesses, then we have to demand that these products be of high quality, and finally we have to make our criticism or recommendation. Only the small businesses which offers high quality stuff will be known and will be visited by the people.

The only way to be a place recognized for visitors is offering products of excellent quality, and our job is to share our comments of these places in Google Maps.