How to Handle a situation where people think you are a spy

Hello our dear @ErmesT b:

Our @AmbrishVarshney wrote :

“… in the span of 5-6 years we trained many local guides via our meetups and in our groups but we are not able to reach every local guide (because 90% are not on connect). so now the official team should take some action on that…”

Can we find some solution, please?

Or do you feel that we can open a window to find some solution?

Have you any suggestion, friends @MortenCopenhagen & @SholaIB ?

Thanks for your kind feedback…



Hello, dear @SholaIB

Really a very informative post.

Yes, in response to our @AdamGT 's & @SalmaanN 's post I too have published my experiences.

Even many police officers are not aware of Google Local Guides - that is really sad - Google does nothing to ensure these points.

Also, Google should give proper training before allowing the Google Local Guides Ststus - strong opinion.

What do you say, dear. @AmbrishVarshney Ji?


Thank you tagging me @TravellerG

This is a very innovative and constructive thing to do. I speak people always about the maps. Infact I am talking to a taxi driver now.

Alot can be done through mouth to mouth publicity when the time permits,either single outing or in a meet-up. I wouldn’t expect official team to get involved because they have so much doing. If they do get involved it will be super good but it’s not certain. Anyways we need to create awareness about the local guides program and the need to update the maps always


Thanks @AdamGT ,

For at least understanding ,

I am always in favour of educating even I used to contribute as per My capacity always in this regards I would like to appreciate @TravellerG and @AmbrishVarshney for their initiative which I mentioned in my last post.

Yes this was at our Level however the Image of Local Guide is very High for me on the U tube and other social media as they are misguiding and defaming the Image of Local guide that Hurt me.

So far our efforts are limited as reach is limited however if initiative can be driven from Google certainly the Impact will be more…

as suggested by @MortenCopenhagen and @SholaIB for sure had recommended for the same .

This need can be addressed if not centralised can be decentralised as the number is more ,regionwise can be taken as every where few active LGs are there.

as I Believe.

Together Everyone Achieve MORE(Team) collaborative approach can do wonder in this case Just a suggestion to all.




100% @TravellerG Sir i always want to educate people that’s why I am hosting meetups but as I told you earlier in connect we have only 10% of local guides. so as @Anil6969 ji said a campaign should be there for local guides and normal people too so they know who are local guides.



** @AmbrishVarshney **

Very well said Bhai, many are facing those problems & then get disappointed when expecting help didn’t get from Google end**…**

Hope this article is going to helpful for new LGs…


Yes, many social media are spoiling the image of LG-ship.

Google needs to take some immediate action to retain active members in LG Connect.

Thanks for tagging me, dear @Anil6969



I agree with you fully, @AmbrishVarshney Ji,

There should be a proper planner campaign to make the general public to be aware of the Google Local Guides.

Really appreciate your efforts… You have done a lot for the Indian and Global community. You have many successful Meetups to your credit.

I also acknowledge the AllEvent’s recognition of Local Guides activities.

Best regards…

PS :

we have to admit the fact that Anil ji is one of the most active LGs in this platform - thanks for the same.



Sorry for being late, @TravellerG @AmbrishVarshney , @Anil6969 , @SholaIB

Education” is a beautiful word, and our admin @Connie-NYC knows how much I love to Educate, and I push for Educating the Local Guides.

We all agree that “education is needed”, but the point is: How to educate 150 millions of Local Guides around the world?

I have seen many things and I have read many comments, but what I don’t see (if I missed it please let me know, as I missed many things in the last weeks. Life is keeping me busy, but I want to keep this conversation alive), I don’t see a clear proposal about how to do this, and the meaning of “educating the Local Guides”.

It is correct that not all the Local Guides are in Connect (only 1% of the Local Guides are in Connect, not 10%) and, I would add, how many of the Local guides that are in Connect (1.5 millions) have you reached with meet-ups, @AmbrishVarshney ?

@TravellerG , you said " I recommend that Google should start giving LG-ship only after some level of training. Today anyone can become an LG & write whatever he/she wants - this should stop. What is your opinion?" > I fully disagree. First of all, everyone logged in with a Google account can write a review and post a photo. It is not necessary to be a Local Guide to contribute in Google Maps. So why people join the program? Because Google invite them, first of all, and because this gives to everyone a kind of “status”. Then of course people in different countries may have different attitude, but I have seen inappropriate content by Local Guides from all over the world.

However I have to add that most of the contributors are not spammer. The spammer are a small group, but unfortunately they makes a lot of damages, because they are usually very active.

Starting from this last point I think we need to reverse the logic. Why most of the people contribute in a proper way even if they didn’t have any training, @AmbrishVarshney , @TravellerG ? Probably because they are well educated in their life. This is the reason why I still believe that Reporting spam end removing the spammers is an appropriate decision, even if not the only one.

So, again, how to educate 150 million of people? If we educate with a TRAINING only a few will join, and most of them will leave if the have to pass a test before to post a review or a photo. We educate with the value of the content, and sharing examples about that value

Personally I believe that there are two ways. Google is already working in both of them, but I think that more can be done.

  • The only tool that is reaching ALL the Local Guides is the Newsletter, and the newsletter is always highlighting great Local Guides all over the world. I think that one section of the newsletter should be regional, for highlighting some “Local” Local Guide" and one part should be “global”. In the newsletter Google is also inviting the LGs to join Connect
  • Featuring Local Guides in Connect that are creating great contents. The synergy with the previous point can be very powerful

In addition, also because this year I am a Guiding Star, I am trying to write “educational” posts about various topics, including contributing on Maps. Most of my posts are usually featured, and I think that most of us, if we really wants to educate others, should start to do this by writing contents that can inspire others.

Please apologies for the long reply. There is more to say, and I was really trying to be short, but education is a point I really care about.

What do you think about education? Practical and realistic proposal / suggestions, I mean


First of all let me thanks @ErmesT ,

For Your details reply as this I found Inline with my thinking as I mentioned in my last para of the last post…,

….This need can be addressed if not centralised can be decentralised as the number is more ,region wise can be taken as every where few active LGs are there.

as I Believe.

Together Everyone Achieve MORE(Team) collaborative approach can do wonder in this case Just a suggestion to all…

This can be worked out,

  1. Spammer has to be reported as a campaign (Region wise as every country some of active Members are there (done as campaign in India @AmbrishVarshney and @JMD9 validate me.

  2. Regarding the reporting of spammer in closed Group doing at local level well supported.

by @NareshDarji @Tejal @Shruti @RosyKohli and many more LG support promote and prevent for this activity at local level My suggestion is to channelize for more penetration

  1. We have done the education meet up in the past which more than 150 which itself has improved a lot we have included so many from different country and make good friends too hope @ TravellerG and @jaisoncbe validate me

  2. The Local News paper in Regional languages can be taken with off course major Snapshot in english for sharing Good Practices and appreciation (Though Google is doing in similar way however this way I think Impact will be more and Inclusive due to Local flavor language and ownership.

5.The connect Moderator can play a vital role for the watch dog or whistle blower for implementing and ensuring the Hygiene factors.

  1. Some of the senior and Learned LG should come forward as voluntarily to Educate support and promote the campaign mission simple to Improve the Image of Google Local Guide and forum thereafter.

We appreciate and Invite others also to give their Input /Suggestion for the same.

PS Even Critiques are also welcome as that help to improve the robust and seal the Gap in policy.

Tagging few more friends for input and suggestions @TusharSuradkar @Ewaade_3A @KashifMisidia @Sagir .




Hello @ErmesT

This is quite a reply from you as usual. Very detailed and relevant.

Well education: It’s only really just one part educating the local guides and most local guides are not educated. Infact most of us would have spent at least a year before we really get properly educated about connect and the maps. I’ll say we shouldn’t think of writing exams before joining like you suggested,but local guides should have a basic few days or weeks of education about connect and the maps before their contributions can be acceptable.

Is it possible to have adverts, demos short clips etc that illustrates what it is like to be a local guide or a contributor to the maps? That could come along with monthly emails and newsletters, and the invitations to join the local guides program. I see you mentioned training and newsletters as well.

Awareness is another word I was thinking about. Could there be Awareness created about the local guides program, in cities, schools etc. Most people or infact 90% of Nigerians here in West Africa haven’t a clue what it is or what it means to help contribute to the maps or to write reviews for companies or organisations after using their services etc. The Awareness will reduce the advent of unfortunate incidents like this. I do that from time to time,word of mouth in my travels.

Connect forum: Not many local guides can be bothered coming on connect. Nevertheless connect forum does help alot I believe. It gives a sense of belonging, it answers our questions and even educates us further. Our main focus should be contributing to the maps and then connect comes later.

Meet-ups: I Have organized meet-ups in all the localities I have lived and worked in, since 2020 immediately after the covid-19 and most of my meet-ups are always featured too. I have an observation that even some established local guides are slow to attend a meet-up in my own experience anyways.

Final analysis. We can either take upon ourselves to organise these ways of education and Awareness or get help from the admin(The chances of that is nearly nil)

These are my thoughts on this.

@AmbrishVarshney , @TravellerG @Anil6969

Thank you for providing this post and means of interaction between us.



Thank You @ErmesT for the correct figures. @Anil6969 ji I fully agree with you. here i love to add some more points or say exercise in that.
1)- Local Guide Team can promote these programs with accurate information Like they do in google search for example billboard ads.

2)- The team can help local guides to host meetups so we can promote local guides program with proper knowledge and can educate them (like sponsored meetups where LG team sent direct invitations to nearby local guides so we can reach maximum local guides).
3)- Please Promote Local Communities Like in India We have around 23 active state communities where we are educating lgs.
4)- Try to talk with Local Senior Lgs and ask them for better feedback about the program and how we can improve that.

In Last I love to share India Local Guides Got Making the world happening award



I got this award from all évents as well. Was quite surprised. I used the site for hosting meet-ups



Sorry for being a bit late to reply - kindly bear with me, dear @ErmesT .

Let me thank you for your detailed & well explained response - highly appreciate your valuable comments.


“… First of all, everyone logged in with a Google account can write a review and post a photo. It is not necessary to be a Local Guide to contribute in Google Maps…”

To me, the basic problem starts from here. As rightly mentioned by our @SholaIB , there should be a proper training before one starts writing reviews.

Our @AmbrishVarshney and senior members have conducted many awareness sessions among the Indian LGs, which were great success because LGs used to respond & say “We never knew this before!”

To me, largely, the attitude depends on the citizens of different country too.

Whatever we say, as Ermest has mentioned, may Google bring out those “2” ways… Let us see…

Google needs to do something to ensure the popularity of LG Connect - or sometimes I ask myself… Are they going to close Connect? God knows.

Thanks for your valuable companionship…


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Dear Anil ji…

Thanks for your detailed explanation carrying many points & analysing it in depth - highly appreciate your efforts.

Education should start even before one becomes eligible to write a review -

Right, @SholaIB , @AmbrishVarshney ?

Then only this problem will start coming under control.

What is your opinion?




Really sorry for being a bit late to respond, dear @SholaIB

I fully agree with each point you explained, except:

We individual LG can do very little to EDUCATE the MASS (150 million LGs) & remember every day NEW TROUBLE MAKERS are joining… Think of… While you are trying to empty the water in the sinking boat, more water is coming in.

Education/awareness should start before one is allowed to write reviews - I won’t SUGGEST TO SIGN LARGE AGREEMENTS… instead, IMPORTANT Dos and Donts should be trained before one starts to write reviews.

Hope our @AmbrishVarshney & @Anil6969 will read this bit too.



Hello dear @AmbrishVarshney Ji…

I read your detailed response with the photos & appreciate your valuable efforts.

The problem boils down to ONE POINT, which is clear to all of us but NOT CLEAR TO GOOGLE!

There lies the problem…according to me…

Thanks for your valuable companionship.

:handshake: :bouquet:

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@TravellerG @SholaIB @Anil6969 @ErmesT @Shrut19 My apologies for tagging you, but I am unable to understand why to date we have not received any response from the Googlers, that they are completely ignoring it.



Maybe I will answer you first. The Googlers really can’t say anything because they are only employed to stand in for Google as a company. They shouldn’t be having any personal opinion of their own, only what Google as a company endorses or authorises them to say. Therefore they shouldn’t be blamed or even brought into this at all. I say that with all due respect and gentleness.

If you want to esclate this, you Should post “whatever action” you want them to take as an “Idea” on the exchange board. Then you will get a response of some kind. It’s nice to discuss this among us here really ,one never knows we may stumble upon an idea or good decision to go by as local guides.

Now @TravellerG

Yes ! I mentioned about awareness/Education before a local guide jumps into reviews and editing etc. The education I got as a local guide,is here on connect. I was already on Level 5 when I stumbled upon connect as a forum during the lockdown and that helped me as local guide.

@ErmesT has the facts and figures of the percentage of local guides that are not on connect and its “a high percentage”.

Therefore seeing most local guides are not on connect to get the needed education, there is the need to educate them. A vast majority of local guides I know don’t have the necessary education as a local guide. I mentioned during my 36 walk meet up last weekend about wrong photo practises. I was with the local guides I know so they can be told. There is a vast majority I can’t reach personally.

I also suggested Short video clips, demos and other ways a local guide can briefly learn(be educated or trained) before getting on the job.

Awareness: That might be on the part of Google, to let the general piublic realise that these Lg guys are volunteering to contribute to the maps. Perhaps if you come across one, don’t be surprised or think them strange. They have also signed to or should follow certain rules and regulations etc

These are just my thoughts further on this post.




Hello dear friend, @SholaIB

Thanks for your kind response.

I fully agree with you:

  1. Google Moderators cannot talk anything - yes, this topic is beyond the scope of their duties.

  2. Education/Awareness: Local Guides alone has very limited roll - of course, as you are doing (which is highly appreciated), we can conduct a couple of meetups - but then, it will fall very short of the need of the time. And in the future, this mess will increase as the newcomers join… What do you think?


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