Sorry for being late, @TravellerG @AmbrishVarshney , @Anil6969 , @SholaIB
“Education” is a beautiful word, and our admin @Connie-NYC knows how much I love to Educate, and I push for Educating the Local Guides.
We all agree that “education is needed”, but the point is: How to educate 150 millions of Local Guides around the world?
I have seen many things and I have read many comments, but what I don’t see (if I missed it please let me know, as I missed many things in the last weeks. Life is keeping me busy, but I want to keep this conversation alive), I don’t see a clear proposal about how to do this, and the meaning of “educating the Local Guides”.
It is correct that not all the Local Guides are in Connect (only 1% of the Local Guides are in Connect, not 10%) and, I would add, how many of the Local guides that are in Connect (1.5 millions) have you reached with meet-ups, @AmbrishVarshney ?
@TravellerG , you said " I recommend that Google should start giving LG-ship only after some level of training. Today anyone can become an LG & write whatever he/she wants - this should stop. What is your opinion?" > I fully disagree. First of all, everyone logged in with a Google account can write a review and post a photo. It is not necessary to be a Local Guide to contribute in Google Maps. So why people join the program? Because Google invite them, first of all, and because this gives to everyone a kind of “status”. Then of course people in different countries may have different attitude, but I have seen inappropriate content by Local Guides from all over the world.
However I have to add that most of the contributors are not spammer. The spammer are a small group, but unfortunately they makes a lot of damages, because they are usually very active.
Starting from this last point I think we need to reverse the logic. Why most of the people contribute in a proper way even if they didn’t have any training, @AmbrishVarshney , @TravellerG ? Probably because they are well educated in their life. This is the reason why I still believe that Reporting spam end removing the spammers is an appropriate decision, even if not the only one.
So, again, how to educate 150 million of people? If we educate with a TRAINING only a few will join, and most of them will leave if the have to pass a test before to post a review or a photo. We educate with the value of the content, and sharing examples about that value
Personally I believe that there are two ways. Google is already working in both of them, but I think that more can be done.
- The only tool that is reaching ALL the Local Guides is the Newsletter, and the newsletter is always highlighting great Local Guides all over the world. I think that one section of the newsletter should be regional, for highlighting some “Local” Local Guide" and one part should be “global”. In the newsletter Google is also inviting the LGs to join Connect
- Featuring Local Guides in Connect that are creating great contents. The synergy with the previous point can be very powerful
In addition, also because this year I am a Guiding Star, I am trying to write “educational” posts about various topics, including contributing on Maps. Most of my posts are usually featured, and I think that most of us, if we really wants to educate others, should start to do this by writing contents that can inspire others.
Please apologies for the long reply. There is more to say, and I was really trying to be short, but education is a point I really care about.
What do you think about education? Practical and realistic proposal / suggestions, I mean