How to Google Maps helping your daily life? I'm sharing my story.

I’m Brand Representatives in a Marketing Agency. So I need to go one place to another place everyday. I have a team, It’s our daily routine.

For make promotion a particular products, we go everyday different garments factories. Maximum Garments factory is unknown to us. Our head office only give us the Garments Name, where we will advertising those products. So Google maps is Only way to find out this correct garments.

After Find out correct destination, we can guess how much time need to reached our destination and have any traffic jam or not in the road.

We can get idea to how many worker can be work there to see this garments area and building in The maps in satellite view.

Everyday google maps helping us. But have few bad memories too.

Something when u go near the destination and see this place is not Don’t exist here yet and they change their location that time we face problem.

Something we see maps suggested road is broken or under contraction and u can’t us this road. So our need to back starting place and need to search new road.

End of the day, Google maps help us alots.

I want to hear how google maps helping your daily life.


I’m glad Maps is helpful to you. When you find issues with the roads and destinations you can fix those things @NasimJoy through the App through giving feedback and making edits.


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Good for you. Same as me, I have been using Google Map more often @NasimJoy

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