How to get more ‘Likes’ for my Google reviews?
Hi @MaoTouYing ,
There is no one single right answer on how to write good reviews. When we write a review we should strive for being helpful to people that haven’t been there. In some cases, you may decide to give feedback to the owner, but we have to remember that reviews are not always the best way to do so. Make sure you are sincere and the readers will notice it and appreciate it.
Writing reviews is like creating little documentaries. You are the “movie director” and you decide where to focus the camera of your story and when to zoom into certain details. When people appreciate the information that you shared, you may get some thumbs up.
If you are a skilled writer, you may present thoughts in relation to the place that invites people to respond and thus they may give you a “like” as an agreement. But why would you? Personally, I am happy with writing reviews that I would be happy to read myself prior to going somewhere.
Here is a series of articles by Google staff that guide us on what to focus on as “movie director” of our reviews:
- How to write helpful reviews at train stations
- How to write a museum review
- How to write a helpful grocery store review
- How to write helpful reviews for fitness fans
- What are the best reviews you’ve ever written?
- How to write helpful reviews for people with accessibility needs
- How to write reviews for people with dietary restrictions
- How to write hotel reviews
- How to write helpful reviews at airports
- How to write helpful reviews at bookstores
- How to write helpful bakery reviews
- How to write helpful shop reviews
Remember, you make your reviews more interesting by panning around “your camera” and zooming in on different details of your experience.
Let’s guide and be guided! Happy Mapping New Year.
@MaoTouYing the answer of @JeroenM is very good - basically, write good helpful accurate impartial reviews and you’ll get likes - likes is a very new thing to Maps and they’ve been slow to take off so don’t expect a lot of them.
I will mark Jeroen’s answer as the solution.
@JeroenM Thank you very much for your helpful reply!