How to get lots of photo views quickly!

Would you like to get more photo views really fast? I’d like to share with some tips that helped me consistently do that to where now I got 80,000 new views in the past 7 days and 11.7 millionviews overall! Here we go.

#1) Take pictures of entrances to places no one has posted yet.

It’s amazing with all the information out there how many businesses still don’t have a picture to the building entrance. And isn’t contributing to Google maps all about helping people get missing information? How about we all fill that gap and rack up MANY points at the same time. I tell you its really rewarding seeing your contributions views go up a lot each month.

Where do you find this missing information? You could click around Google maps searching for them, but there is an easier way. I used an app like Wheelguide, which lets reviewers contribute accessibility :wheelchair: information about various businesses nearby. Coincidentally, most of the businesses without accessibility information on that app also happen to be the businesses without photos of their front entrance on Google maps. Sometimes they lack other information we can include too to get even more points. Take photos of these businesses, post them to Google maps, and watch your points soar because you will be one of the first contributers. My first photo of an entrance to an Olive Garden’s entrance has now received 2.7 million views and it never stops.

#2) Take pictures of places with lots of visitors.

This one just makes sense. I was hesitant to do this at first thinking that big places already have lots of photos so mine wouldn’t be seen, but places change over time, giving guides the opportunity to share updated photos. People will almost always see new photos. Pro tip: the entryway inside the building - the first thing you see when you walk in the building - will get the most views.

These are my tips to get the most photo views possible. Do you have any tricks of the trade? Share them in the comments below! I’d love to see what works well for you, too!


hello @LauraChittenden , thank you for your article with good information. Actually, you caught some good points. But I usually think which photo will help the most before going there more than the number. Keep up the good posts.:smiling_face: :pray:t2:


Hi thanks for your comment. Yes It isn’t all about the numbers, but the numbers motivate me to contribute more when I see how large an impact they can make. Even so, I still contribute things that I don’t expect will reach that many people.


keep contributing, i’m sure you can always do much better @LauraChittenden :smiling_face: :pray:t2:

At locations that already have a picture, I 've noticed that Google prefers a picture of the front entrance but at an angle, not a direct front picture.

I’m curious to know whether you have experienced the same?

I don’t know for sure if it makes a difference or not, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you are right. I know as a human slight angles are more interesting and the Google bots pick up on human behavior and interest.