Strawberry Cheese in Bakpia Satu Hati, pic by Efi Kurniyawati
Until I reach level 9 as a local guide, I want to share tips for getting lots of points with the Google Maps local guide program.
First and foremost, this is not about spamming or breaking the rules. On the other hand, this helps Google Maps users to better understand the various product variants and prices in the gift shop.
To do this trick, all you need is a photo of the product you ordered along with a price list for each product listed there.
Follow these steps:
- Go to the place’s sheet
- Click on the reviews section. Then give a rating and fill it in with detailed reviews, photos and costs as I have shown in the example below:
- Done! You have won 62 points
This way of doing things doesn’t guarantee you have a lot of views. It depends on whether the photos we upload are interesting or not or what the Google search engine says. Until now, I still don’t understand it.
How about you? Can you give me input if you know anything?
@ErmesT , @MortenCopenhaegen and @JanVanHaver : could someone of you give the needed info, please?
Thanks for the almost tag, @KattyGeltmeyer
Hi @EfiKurniyawati ,
Thanks for sharing your experiences with getting more points.
As you mentioned getting points should not be the main motivation for Local Guides. Helpfulness to Maps users is a much better guiding star when making contributions.
I have noticed a few details in your post that might deserve a bit of discussion.
Google has recommended that one paragraph of text is a good length for Maps reviews. Yours seems to be quite a bit longer.
We should always avoid general remarks and focus on describing what we experienced, how we liked it, and why we liked/disliked it. I recently shared these tips on making better reviews.
Helpful photos should first of all allow potential visitors to understand the place. Only sharing closeup product photos might not always be the most helpful thing to do. And if you like getting more views product shots are not optimal.
It is highly appreciated that you took the time to write up your experiences and share them. Please don’t feel discouraged by my comments.I hoe we can have an interesting discussion.
All the best
@EfiKurniyawati making more edts would be my ultimate tip - I shared some examples in my reply to your ‘New level’ post.
Hi @EfiKurniyawati how are you
Hope you are doing great!
Regarding to your post, I don’t think is a good or useful idea are explaing on it. Please don’t take it the wrong way and let me explain…
Getting more points is not the core of the Local Guided Program , on the contrary contributing with useful information ( pics, reviews, videos, etc) and share our exact experience is a good way to develop our role of Local Guide.
Furthermore, don’t forget that Google have an extraordinary free tool to help business called “Business Profile” ( Ex My Business). One of the features, among others, of this tool is to offer products with their pictures on the profile on Google Maps, to increase the commercial activity, which I think you are explaing on your post.
I hope I have been clear, it is just my personal opinion, and I encourage you to continue contributing to this wonderful world of Google Maps, and when you can, also encourage businesses to create their business profile and get to know this fantastic tool.
Greetings from
@EfiKurniyawati شكرا لكي على المعلومات القيمة ، كلما كانت المراجعة دقيقة ومصحوبة بالصورة المتعلقة ب المنتجات والمكان كانت أهم ، نشكركي على معلوماتك القيمة والمفيدة واصلي ابداعك يا عزيزي ، أنتما لكي الأفضل ولكل المرشدين المحليين
Thank you for your criticism, suggestions and input @MortenCopenhagen , @JanVanHaver , @SebaasC . Hopefully I can be better when reviewing a place on Google Map
I hope you will continue sharing your experiences and thoughts. They are important and we all can learn from them. Don’t let criticism and discussions scare you away from making more posts here on Connect.
All the best