How To Find my Photo Spheres?

Where can I find my uploaded photos spheres now? You used to have a website for this, but you shut it down. Now I have no idea where to look.

Google needs a better structure in every way…


Hi, @38160210003 thanks for reaching out. Sorry for your bad experience. You might find Where are my photo spheres saved and how can I access them? useful. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to tag me any of the other moderators here to help you along. We are listed in Meet the Google Moderators post.


unfortunately, that link didnt really help. I know the photo spheres are online on google maps/street view. Whatever it is now.

But in google photos I can’t find them, and they shouldnt be there, as other google mods told me contributing in adding photos to maps wont eat my gdrive storage space, but its getting smaller and smaller and the only thing I do with it, is adding photos to google maps.

And searching through contrib is impossible. its over 4000 photos and with lazyload it takes forever to search with just a few pictures at a time…you have to implement something better or tell me where to find the tools :wink: