How to enable follow button in google maps?

Hello, I have a question, I can’t follow anybody on google maps and no one can follow me. I checked all the settings and I don’t have any kind of restrictions, however, when I compared my settings with my friend’s settings I don’t have a button for the restricted profile. I could not find it anywhere. Below are screens of my Personal settings and my friend’s personal settings. Same page but in my setting restricted profile button is missing. What can I do? Please help



Hi @tatakarbelashvili

Welcome to Connect. Nice to meet you!

To make you feel at home I suggest you take a look at Your Guide to Connect (it’s a quick introduction to our community) and feel free to introduce yourself here.

If you have questions, try using the search field at the top first. Then check the Help desk documents and What are Connect topics before asking a new question in the How-to section.

You can be followed. I just requested you to allow me to follow you.

Please visit my profile and I’m pretty sure you will see the follow button.



Thanks so much for your answer, but the problem remains, I can’t see your request anywhere and also I can’t follow you, there is no follow button when I visit your profile, however when my friend checked your profile he could see follow button

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Hi @tatakarbelashvili and I too would like to welcome to Connect

Regarding your question, you need to enable following on your Maps profile. I also suggest that you make sure that you have the latest version of both Google Maps and the Android OS. Finally you could try clearing your cache - logout from your account, clear your cache and login again. If however you do not have your profile restricted and both your Maps and Android app are up to date, it may still be rolling out to you area and if so, then please be patient.

Do let us know how you go as it will help others with the same issue.

Keep guiding!

Hi @tatakarbelashvili

This is really strange. Since I can follow you it is not the usual roll-out problem.

If the tips shared by @AdamGT does not fix the problem we need expert help from @DeniGu .




Are you sure you are logged in in Google Maps?



Yes, I am logged in, I can make edits and everything else except following people. I also have other old profiles and when I switch to it it has follow button, but not my main account. So I eliminated phone or app error, there should be a problem with settings on my main account and I can’t find where I can change it


It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply.

Let’s wait till Monday and see what @DeniGu can suggest.

In the meantime share your maps version # and your android or IOS version number.



PS is it against the guidelines to have more than one Local Guides Account. Please exit the program with one of them.

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Hi @tatakarbelashvili ,

Thanks for reaching out.

The Following feature is still rolling out to all Maps contributors. We kindly ask for your patience during this time.

As you’ve mentioned that you have another Local Guide account, we would like to inform you that our program rules prohibit participating in the program with multiple accounts. Merging them is not possible as well. We kindly ask you to close your second account.

I also want to take this opportunity to inform you that we implemented a limit to the number of profiles you can follow as a way to help you build and develop an authentic audience on Maps.

One final thing, we’ve removed the images from your post as they displayed private information. You probably are not aware of this but we do not encourage Local Guides to share private information publicly on Connect in order to protect yours and other users’ privacy and safety.


Thank you so much for information, I deleted my old account (honestly I even did not knew it existed :sweat_smile: )

I will wait till I have follow feature as well

Thank you for this explicit explanation! I have similar issue. I have the follow button but not follower button i.e. people are unable to follow me.

How do i resolve it?

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same issue as @explorewithada i am unable to have others follow me :confused:
Please help! Thank you :pray: