I know there is a way to add new roads or request for changing the attributes of a road through Google Maps application and I have used it many times.
I am actually interested in how a person can add new roads and edit their attributes such as the direction, the levels (if its an overpass or underpass), the connections with other roads etc.
There have been two new underpasses built and opened for public use recently in my area.
One of these roads seems to be live and has correct connections and levels (underpass). This wasn’t available a few days ago and for me (through the desktop or through the android mobile app) I don’t see any option to set it as underpass or change the direction of the roads or connectivity of them.
I am not sure if RoadMapper would help in it but I can’t verify it as for me it says “Road Mapper is currently restricted. If you think you should have access, make sure you’re using the right account.”.
Any help in guiding me to edit the maps would be greatly appreciated. I want to contribute to making the maps better.
Roadmapper will not be of any help to you. It is a project testing if Maps users can help draw roads based on sattelite images only. And you don’t get to chose which satellite images to work on.
I have not come across ways to make roads cross in different levels. Maybe @ErmesT knows or knows who knows.
I’m not sure that specific type of info is something a local guide can submit in a structural way - but then there’s always the “Your opinion about Maps” option in the “Edit the Map” menu of Google Maps. That allows you to send any kind of feedback (and has the possibility to send a screenshot of the area along).
By the way, if you’re looking for more info on adding roads, you can also check out the episode of the LetsGuide Podcast on that topic. Perhaps it contains some things that you are not yet aware of.
Regarding your question about adding an underpass (or a bridge) there is not a specific function for this in Maps.
What I do when there is that kind of conditions (and the roads are not connected) is to draw the two segments of the road keeping an interruption where they are crossing a road where there is no intersection, and I obviously give to the two segments the same road name, and I define for both the same road type. It worked for me a few weeks ago
Of course everything should be clearly visible in Satellite mode, otherwise your edit will not be approved
It does seem like there isn’t an option to add such attributes. I do use the “Add missing roads” functionality through both computer and android app.
I am looking more at how to edit the roads to map them correctly.
A road was mapped incorrectly due to the construction of an underpass in my region. I didn’t find the option to edit it myself, but had reported it through the feedback of “Mapped incorrectly” and in the next few days, it was fixed. This of course is possible for someone on Maps to correct it and I was just wondering what level one has to be in the Local guide to be able to make such edits.
I don’t have the “Road Editor” function for Desktop yet. I went through your post and it is really helpful. Waiting to get the functionality enabled soon.
I am able to add new roads through the Android mobile app and they have gotten approved too. The desktop would be easier to use and manage.
Does the “Road Editor” also allow to delete or change the layout of an existing road if it is mapped incorrectly?
It is a common misunderstanding that editing privileges increase with local guides level. We all have the same interface on Google Maps and in the apps.
With experience your approval rate is likely to go up because you have learned the rules and can predict the whether and edit will be approved or not. And the system starts trusting you more.