How to earn trust, and be safer when taking pictures in public, so people don´t distrust you as much

Trusted photographer…

When I started taking pics in the street and uploading them to Google Maps, many people, including local Police, questioned me as for my intentions. In many citys around the world, when someone is takinga pic of a local business, neighborhood, a monument, etc, people gets wary, because the are afraid that you might be planning a robbery, or some other criminal activity.

After uploading 50 360 panoramas to the Street View app, I earned the Trusted Photographer badge, I had it embroided on a vest, and that has helped me a lot to earn trust, and thus, easier to take pics in public, and to map street and roads.

  • @BenjaminAlanis excellent achievement and recognition! … it is a pride to wear a vest as a trusted photographer … congratulations and go ahead!*

Thanks a lot, buddy

Keep safe!


That will really earn you legitimacy among the locals

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It sure has helped me a lot.

Locals are even happier to see you, lol…

Congratulations on achieving the status of Google Trusted Photographer @BenjaminAlanis . However, my reading of the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions is that your practice is not in compliance with the said Terms and Conditions and in particular I refer you to the following section of these Terms and Conditions:

The Local Guides logo is a Google brand identity and is reserved for official use only. Do not use the Local Guides logo, pin, or any other Google imagery in any of your online or offline materials without expressed written permission.

Wishing you well, take care



Hi @BenjaminAlanis thanks for sharing your experience :+1:t2:



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When I got the badges, the terms said I can use them, they sent them to me along with the proper permission to use…


I hope you can read this in english:


I agree with @AdamGT , according the use of the Google Official Logos.

You are allowed to use only the Street View Badge, as clearly indicated on : “Distinguish your published work and profile with the Street View badge

I am tagging @ConnorP for a confirmation

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I got the badges about 18 moths ago. If Im doing something wrong, I will stop using the vest.
