How to delete your photos in album but not impact your photos in your posts.

Limitation for 1 thousands photos for some Local Guides could be an issue. Deleting photos in abum photos can make photos on your post disappear too.

My tips is like thist :

  1. Ensure that your photos is not your first photo in your post. We can do nothing with your first photos on every posts.
  2. Upload or make a copy of your photos album to your Google Photos.
  3. Make a certain album for the photos, can be one or more than one . My suggestion is make some album with some topics.
  4. Make the Google Photos Album shared, publicly shared.
  5. Edit the second an up photo in your post, delete it
  6. Klik HTML and type HTML command “

  7. change XXXX with the link of your photo on Google Photo shared album, then ok
  8. Save change.

@ErmesT has made an awesome write up and tutorial on managing your photos here on Connect.



Hi @BudiFXW

Nixe topic my friend, so informative

Thanks for sharing ???

By the way i have posted a topic at Food and drinks section, could you review it? :handshake: :pray:

Have a nice day my friend :rose: :rose: :rose:

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jadi intinya pak @BudiFXW hapus foto tersebut ganti ngan HLMT ya pak

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Ya @Munawar951 @ Foto yang sama tidak tersimpan di Album namun tersimpan di Album tetapi tersimpan di Google Photos, sehingga photo di Post tetap terlihat.

Syarat utamanya yang perlu di ingat untuk photo yang tetap terlihat di Post, namun tidak di Album dan dipindahkan ke Google Photo adalah :

  • Bukan photo pertama pada post
  • Album di Google Photo adalah Shared album, public.

Mudah mudahan bermanfaat.

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I will visit it, thank you for your kindness and information.

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